Big News Coming Soon

Maybe a new singer...

Dare I say?...John Arch formerly of Fates Warning.

Just wanted to put that one out there...
i think this is Pyramaze oriented news, since Jonah would probably put anything to do with SOI in the SOI news thread.

my guesses
new vocalist
matt quits policework and decides to do some band jugglin
they might have organized a live showing(s) supporting Immortal
Israel awaits you! :)

It probably is a new vocalist, which would kick fucking ass.
Or, maybe they have news that they secretly recorded another album with Matt and it's being released this month? :D
this would be insanely good, given the fact we are still digesting Matts input with the band.

Though, If its Matt is staying on board with Pyramaze...then I would be extremely happy!

Honestly, I would be surprised if its news about a new singer... being announced this soon, but who knows?
It has to be about a new singer...with IE on tour now and the official U.S. release of "Immortal" next week.
There shouldn't be any back and forth about who is in what band.
Just a thought.

It would be awesome if John Arch joined Pyramaze.