Biggest Reason Alexi is a complete tard?

Biggest reason Alexi Laiho is a tool

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Dude, admit it, he hits on a few damn good points which are the reason this band has gone so downhill...

+ it was funny as fuck, leave the guy be :lol:
wtf is going on here? ppl posting negative things about Alexi? omg u forum looser get a job and go pomp your sister for money. Alexi is like fucking talented and he is fucking young aswell.
If u ask me then Janne probably went to Alexi and said "hey man there are some real retards on the cob forum whe better change our style and drop these pussies or whe are heading for dead end".
DeathPact said:
wtf is going on here? ppl posting negative things about Alexi? omg u forum looser get a job and go pomp your sister for money. Alexi is like fucking talented and he is fucking young aswell.
If u ask me then Janne probably went to Alexi and said "hey man there are some real retards on the cob forum whe better change our style and drop these pussies or whe are heading for dead end".


You kick so much ass :p
DeathPact said:
damm I hate cob fans, they suck to the very BONE
I am a COB fan, and I do not think that I "suck to the very bone." I like COB, and nothing is going to change that unless I start to hate their music... and so far, so good. This poll is just funny, people are always joking Alexi. But in truth, he is a very amazing musician, and thats oudvious. He may not be the best singer, he may wear eyeliner, and look a bit girley...but that’s the way he is, and I like it. :D It doesn’t matter to me if COB gets big, as long as they play good music. I like Bodom, and mentioning of a mallcore kid or an internet poll is not going to change my opinion.
Bah... I couldn't give a fuck about what Alexi Laiho thinks or how he acts. I enjoy the music he makes and I'll leave it at that.
perfecterror said:
I am a COB fan, and I do not think that I "suck to the very bone."

I'm sure there are 2 dozen bones out there that disagree.
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