Bill Hudson joins another band

This is exactly the type of thread/comments that makes Bill not to be involved with a forum such as this. It seems that there's no boundaries when it comes to him and some of the ProgPower attendees, and though a lot of this has to do with him getting drunk at the fest in the past, he is fighting to take his career to the next level, outside of the "huge" Progressive and Power metal little world. I don't think you guys are helping him with threads and comments like these.

Just my two cents...
This is exactly the type of thread/comments that makes Bill not to be involved with a forum such as this. It seems that there's no boundaries when it comes to him and some of the ProgPower attendees, and though a lot of this has to do with him getting drunk at the fest in the past, he is fighting to take his career to the next level, outside of the "huge" Progressive and Power metal little world. I don't think you guys are helping him with threads and comments like these.

Just my two cents...

This is exactly the type of thread/comments that makes Bill not to be involved with a forum such as this. It seems that there's no boundaries when it comes to him and some of the ProgPower attendees, and though a lot of this has to do with him getting drunk at the fest in the past, he is fighting to take his career to the next level, outside of the "huge" Progressive and Power metal little world. I don't think you guys are helping him with threads and comments like these.

Just my two cents...

internet forums are SERIOUS BUSINESS
internet forums are SERIOUS BUSINESS

Yeah, but also internet forums are one of the most efficient way for people to find out about new music and promote their bands. If thousands of people find out about Written in Blood through a thread full of stupid comments such as this, chances are they won't take it very seriously, right? Wouldn't that means this could potentially be hurting the band and/or Bill's career? I think it could.
Nothing like adding this to your resume:

"Former guitarist of Cellador, Coldera, Power Quest, Circle II Circle, The Supremacy, Freedom Call....soon to be Written in Blood"

Nothing like a post like that to look like a fool.

That's such an ignorant comment. So it's like saying Steve Vai deserves no respect just because he's the former guitarist of David Lee Roth, Alcatrazz, Whitesnake and Frank Zappa? (Not that Vai and Bill can be compared, but that seems to be your rationale).

By the way, he was never in Freedom Call, so you don't get an A+.
Yeah, but also internet forums are one of the most efficient way for people to find out about new music and promote their bands. If thousands of people find out about Written in Blood through a thread full of stupid comments such as this, chances are they won't take it very seriously, right? Wouldn't that means this could potentially be hurting the band and/or Bill's career? I think it could.

IMO Bill should rejoin cellador OR start a band that can be his baby. He could be in said band and put all his efforts in, and already use the many contacts he has made to help them get signed, toured and so fourth. I think bill is just addicted to traveling and playing live, which isn't a bad thing. If he really wanted to try and make a bigger name for himself he should start his own band and do that 100%


IMO Bill should rejoin cellador OR start a band that can be his baby. He could be in said band and put all his efforts in, and already use the many contacts he has made to help them get signed, toured and so fourth. I think bill is just addicted to traveling and playing live, which isn't a bad thing. If he really wanted to try and make a bigger name for himself he should start his own band and do that 100%



But why? Should he stick with one band because that's the "metal" thing to do? End up like another old, broke, frustrated musician? Are you going to tell a guy like Hellhammer to just settle down and play with one band?

Bill is doing the right thing for himself as a musician. More importantly, that's his fucking business. Why is everyone so keen to stick the round peg in the square hole?

Edit: I'm not calling you out specifically, just the very idea that other people should do with their lives what the crowd wants them to do.
If you want to make a career in this other than producing, engineering, or teaching, you need to play in several bands and tour a lot. He's doing what he feels he needs to. I give him shit because its almost amusing at times. But I bet some people here have worked more jobs than he has bands.
But why? Should he stick with one band because that's the "metal" thing to do? End up like another old, broke, frustrated musician? Are you going to tell a guy like Hellhammer to just settle down and play with one band?

Bill is doing the right thing for himself as a musician. More importantly, that's his fucking business. Why is everyone so keen to stick the round peg in the square hole?

Edit: I'm not calling you out specifically, just the very idea that other people should do with their lives what the crowd wants them to do.

If you want to make a career in this other than producing, engineering, or teaching, you need to play in several bands and tour a lot. He's doing what he feels he needs to. I give him shit because its almost amusing at times. But I bet some people here have worked more jobs than he has bands.

Once again my post was IMO. I personally would love bill to at least start his own band for once and see how that goes. even if its in between all the rest of the other ones hes in.
Once again my post was IMO. I personally would love bill to at least start his own band for once and see how that goes. even if its in between all the rest of the other ones hes in.

What makes you think that WiB isn't his baby? Hell, calling Cellador his baby is just ignorant. He didn't start that band, wasn't a founding member, and only played on the debut album, writing hardly nothing for that album. This is the closest thing that Bill has had to his own band. So please, learn what you are talking about before talking about it. Wouldn't be the first time you should have taken that advice here.
It seems that there's no boundaries when it comes to him and some of the ProgPower attendees, and though a lot of this has to do with him getting drunk at the fest in the past

I couldn't help but laugh when I read this, but I don't think you're intending on it to be funny. It comes across that way though. I do understand what you're saying, but Bill has made himself very accessible to the PP crowd, making friends with alot of people. I'm not one of those people, but that's what I've observed over the years. With that said, I honestly think most people are just "jabbing" at Bill simply to joke with him. I truly don't think anyone is meaning to hurt his reputation or by any means his career.

This is exactly the type of thread/comments that makes Bill not to be involved with a forum such as this.
Joking about how many bands he's been in, is hardly offensive or even mean spirited.

It seems that there's no boundaries when it comes to him and some of the ProgPower attendees, and though a lot of this has to do with him getting drunk at the fest in the past...
I'm not sure what you mean by "boundaries". What boundary do you feel was unjustly crossed?

...he is fighting to take his career to the next level, outside of the "huge" Progressive and Power metal little world.
I wish him well.

I don't think you guys are helping him with threads and comments like these.
How does a bunch of forum regulars, joking around about how many bands he's been in, hurt his career? I know you two are friends, but I think you're making too much out of some harmless, good spirited, kidding around.

Joking about how many bands he's been in, is hardly offensive or even mean spirited.

I'm not sure what you mean by "boundaries". What boundary do you feel was unjustly crossed?

I wish him well.

How does a bunch of forum regulars, joking around about how many bands he's been in, hurt his career? I know you two are friends, but I think you're making too much out of some harmless joking around.


I think what he is getting at, Zod, is it's sometimes hard to tell the difference between someone joking about it and someone actually meaning the things they are saying. Obviously, people like you, kaosaur, metalrose, Dolemite, etc... are just joking around. There are these other people who post, who don't know Bill but pick on him like they are best friends. As one of Bill's friends, it pisses me off about all of the alcohol and drunk jokes about him, because if any of these people actually knew Bill, they would know that he has cut back on his drinking significantly over the past year and a half or two years. I'm tired of hearing about it, as I'm sure he is.
I don't really know Bill all that well at all actually, to be honest. But I do think that Bill's another one of those cases where people are just "too comfortable" talking about him and he's got a reputation that doesn't reflect who he is.
I've been having a lot of those types of frustrated, heart-to-heart kind of conversations with regulars over the last two years or so about their undeserved reputations. I'm sure some of the women attendees of the festival could have some idea of the kind of gossip I'm talking about.

Enough is enough guys. Joking or not, out in the open on a forum like this can be like daggers to some people.