Bill Hudson joins another band

Nothing like adding this to your resume:

"Former guitarist of Cellador, Coldera, Power Quest, Circle II Circle, The Supremacy, Freedom Call....soon to be Written in Blood"

See, that's not poking fun, that's just being nasty.

I started a thread on the BG forums called "Six Degrees of Kai Hansen" where we all tried to link every band back to Kai Hansen in 6 steps. Kai's been involved with seemingly EVERYTHING. That's why I don't feel poking fun at bill's playing for several bands is necessarily being jerks about it.
See, that's not poking fun, that's just being nasty.

I've got too much going on to get into a big old flame war, but my point is that a person may be insanely talented, and lots of bands want to work with them - but why can't they stay with a band? What is it that makes a band not want to work with this person anymore? That's the impression that I get when I see the same musician bounce from band to band to band to band via press releases.

I'm not a fan of any of those bands that I listed, which is why I pulled them from Wiki and Metal Archives (also explains why some of them are wrong). Major respect to Bill for explaining his position and connections to the bands.
Stupid over-sentimental metalhead mentality. "Why can't they stay with a band?"

Life happens. Some musicians also want to do their own thing or do different things. How about instead of putting these guys on pedestals we just sit down and listen to the art that they make?
And for the guy who said "Always good to meet another Hannah Montannah fan", I have to say:

"Always good to meet another intolerant progsnob who thinks you can EITHER listen to metal OR Hannah Montannah with no in between. That's exactly what we need".

NP: Hannah Montannah - The Best of Both Worlds

(sorry...I had to)

That was Drew. He does it for the lulz. Just his way of trying to make light of the situation. No disrespect intended, I'm sure. ;)
Nothing like adding this to your resume:

"Former guitarist of Cellador, Coldera, Power Quest, Circle II Circle, The Supremacy, Freedom Call....soon to be Written in Blood"

So what is in your resume?

I know know Bill's resume and I am happy for him, he is living the dream of many...

No that would be Eric Halpern. Maybe he and Bill should start a band together. Halpern played in Leatherwolf, and is in Krucible and Mindcrime. All were PPUSA appearances. Eric is the busiest man in metal.


Isn't just easier to assume, if there's a new band, Bill is in it? He's as omnipresent as Into Eternity.

That was my take. I don't think I've ever met Bill, nor was I aware of him having a reputation as a partier. Since ProgPower is a weekend where most people drink more than they normally would, I don't put too much stock in ProgPower behavior. My comments were based purely on what seems like monthly announcements that he's working with a new band. However, I've never viewed this as a negative. I think it's probably smart for a young musician to involve himself in as many projects as he can. Honestly, I'm still not sure what was posted in this thread that was perceived as mean-spirited or demeaning to his career in any way. Oh well.


Zod, I totally agree with you about this. I think it's like the old saying, making mountains out of mole hills. (shrugs)

I'm so glad I read the entire thread before responding on this... I read most of this as being in jest anyway but it escalated pretty quick. To preface my pov I am friends with Bill and fully support his desire to do with his career as he sees fit. People (in general) can see one facet of a person and assume that is the sum total of who they are- not finger pointing to any individual. Bill is an open guy and capable of laughing at his moments. When it comes to his music I know him to be very serious and focused on it.

I like what WiB is doing and I listen to a most other genres of metal and music overall. I love seeing musicians test their own personal boundaries and prog (as a whole, counting in all subgenres a person may want to whittle it down to) is one of those types of music that truly touches a spectrum of what metal can do. WiB isn't prog, but it's metal and I say go for it. Expanding his ability and mind will only make Bill a better musician at the end of the day.

He can take the teasing no doubt about that! As a friend and as a fan of his work I want to voice my support to his new project.

Edited: coz I quoted Bill's post and it was too damn long. ; )
I agree with Beth, couldn't have said it better myself. I've been offline for a few days so I missed this thread at the beginning. I think the point many people, including Bill himself, are trying to make is that jokes about how many bands he's worked with (or drunk jokes) are old and worn out. Time to move on and let the man work without being a punchline to your tired humor. As someone who knows Bill fairly well (well enough to know his real name :lol: ) it's frustrating to see people mock and jab at him like they're his best friends every time his name comes up. Yeah he's worked with a lot of bands but that's because music is all he does. He doesn't have a "real life" side-job that supports him, he works as a session musician and joins tours so that he can be a musician full-time. How many of us would love to do our dream job instead of being desk jockeys or whatnot? I guess not many musicians do that, and that's why it seems odd to many people that he's always working with a new band.

Ok ok, you think you're all just being playful. Got it. But the jokes are redundant and wouldn't it be nice if Bill's name came up without someone having to feel like they need to make yet another joke? There's a lot more to the guy that could be discussed instead.

For the poster who asked why he can't seem to stay with a band, yet claimed to have read Bill's post, the reason is simple. He was never meant to be a full-time member of many of those bands, rather he was paid as a session musician or brought on tour for a short time. He doesn't bounce around because he can't make up his mind, or because he gets kicked out, or because he's too difficult to work with. The very opposite is true. So many people love working with Bill and love his skills that they want him to be part of their project too. It's great to see that so many bands want to put Bill's talents to work! =)

At any rate, I'm glad Bill posted his thoughts here for everyone to read. He's a clever, funny, and genuine guy and I hope everyone gets to know him well enough to see beyond the constant ridicule veiled as jokes.
Allright now that we're all good :) Go check out the band, tell me if it rocks and....

How about some 100 proof vodka so we can forget about this thread? lol
Man the vocals are fucking awesome, this dude can SING. I wonder how much range and variation he has in this style though. I can see it being very 'samey'. I don't think I've ever been a big fan of blast beats on the drums though. If this song was slowed down a bit, I would fucking love it in the face. I like it a lot though, lots of promise.

re: vodka - you probably don't remember it, (I have an oddly selective photographic memory on certain things) but at PP 9, you thrust that crap in my face and made me drink it, even though I hate vodka. I don't think I ever thanked you. :lol:
I don't know Bill all THAT well....I've been at some of the same parties at PP, and two years ago I gave him and Andy Laudano a ride back to their respective hotels after the night's festivities were over. He's always come across as being genuine and likeable, and if he got sloshed a few times at PP, that's hardly unusual...and it's not as if he has to drive anywhere after the show. :heh:
So....he's played for a few bands. That's a sign of hard work, dedication, and -- as a session performer -- a certain demand for one's skillz. Bill, knock 'em dead. :headbang:

I think the following bumpersticker can now be taken with the humor -- and respect -- it is intended to convey. :D

| Honk if your band has never hired Bill Hudson

I don't know Bill Hudson, and I'm not familiar with a lot of his guitar work. However, it should be clear to see that remarks in a public forum that portray anyone as having an unstable work history, a lack of dedication, and an alcohol problem would be somewhat detremental to said person's reputation.