Bill Hudson joins another band

I don't know Bill Hudson, and I'm not familiar with a lot of his guitar work. However, it should be clear to see that remarks in a public forum that portray anyone as having an unstable work history, a lack of dedication, and an alcohol problem would be somewhat detremental to said person's reputation.

you need to get laid, bro
Good morning my friends,

Obviously my career is bothering a few people here. The question is... why? I don't understand why everything I do in my career (no matter how long it is for) turns out to be "another band he joined" and a reason for a new thread. Really, I'm just trying to make music. Sometimes it IS for money (I don't know what to tell you if you think that's wrong) and I don't think it's fair to "joke around" because of how many bands I have worked with in the past.

I would think a good percentage of you are musicians and know that you need a day job to support your passion for music. I don't have a day job, I never had. I actually do way more than you guys know. As an example, this week I joined a tribute band here in Los Angeles, because I will get to play some weekly gigs to have more of a steady income. For a while (11 years actually) I taught guitar, since I realized I was in Brazil and making a living with music would be impossible. Once I moved to the US and joined CELLADOR, I realized I was a bedroom shredder and it was more fun to tour than teaching music.

I honestly think this has to do with the fact that I used to drink so much and walk into random rooms to party with random people. I'm sorry, but I'm a friendly person, I've always been. I don't really like to be the "untouchable band member" or the "guy who hates everything because the world doesn't understand how amazing power/prog metal is". Hell, I don't even LISTEN to metal in my own time. I like to party. Even now, that I don't drink as much (if at all), I still go out partying and drink water or the occasional beer.

Add to that the fact that I'm younger than most of the other "ProgPower musicians". This last ProgPower was a very definite proof that some people believe to be my best buddies after they bought me a shoot or after I got so wasted that I passed out in their room. Hardly... I do have a few "ProgPower" friends and they know exactly WHO they are because I make sure to tell them that every time a new thread like this comes up or a new guy/girl approaches me and gets mad because I don't remember them.
I believe all those facts put together explain why threads like this pop up.

Even though I initially wanted to keep this away from ProgPower in general (I didn't post it here, did I?), I suppose SOMEONE had to bring it up here so I'll ask you: Please go and check out our music. Have you noticed that there aren't any familiar faces in the picture? Have you noticed there's no "ex-this band" or "ex-that band" in our lineup? This is because, for once, I'm doing WHAT I LIKE, the way I think it should be done. I'm not JOINING someone else's band. Well, at one point I was a session guy (and you'd never had heard about it if it stayed like that) because my good friend Jonah W. (PYRAMAZE) invited me. Turns out, Jonah and WRITTEN IN BLOOD did not work out, but I joined the band full time. At the same time, I started throwing my ideas around, which included writing a fuckload of songs. They loved it...I got more and more of a voice in the band and that was the result. This song that's up on the MySpace "This Purpose Driven Life" was entirely written by me, and this is the first time I ever get one of my songs recorded. This is the first time I am in a band that's actually MY THING and there isn't a fucking dickwad guitarist sitting by me saying "make it more extreme! we gotta be a shred band, your solo is too slow". This is EXACTLY WHAT I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO as far as music. I tried this with COLDERA, but I had problems with a few members and things didn't work out. Hell, how can you even INCLUDE Coldera when you talk about how many bands I was in, if we were merely an internet project? Then you might as well call THE SUPREMACY another of my bands, or CAIN (you didn't even know about this did you?) or EPICUREAN (I played 1 show with them over a year ago…so is that one of MY BANDS?) or whatever else I do that includes recording some guitars.

I don't expect most of you to like our music. It's very straightforward, verse/chorus metal and it's actually even leaning towards the more mainstream metal style. I don't know how to classify our music, but I'll tell you one thing that it's NOT: Prog Metal.

And since we're dropping names here…

Freedom Call: Where did that come from? I was NEVER in Freedom Call. I have a very good friend who WAS in the band and when he quit (in 2004) I tried out for his spot.

Cellador: This was my first band, and the one that brought me to the US. I have a half sleeve on my right arm of their album cover and I don't regret it for a second. There'll always be a place for Cellador in my heart, even if I don't particularly like Enter Deception. But it WAS the first album I recorded and that made somewhat of a name for me.

Power Quest: Steve Williams is probably the coolest guy in metal nowadays. No joke. He's the only band member I know that doesn't EVER talk shit about ANYONE. We had been friends for so long and I really like their music. We figured we'd give it a shoot. I played with them a grand total of 10 shows, all in the UK. Then we realized it would be stupid expensive to carry on doing it so we parted ways. We're still the best of friends. I introduced a few PQ fans to Manuela (their manager) at ProgPower because they drove 1500 miles to see them and couldn't. Another example of my naively friendly nature.

Coldera: You might as well call Written in Blood Coldera. That's what I tried to do when I quit Cellador. I had problems with members and the ONE member I decided to carry on working with (John Slaughter) is in Written in Blood as well. The song that's up on our MySpace was initially a Coldera song.

Circle II Circle: Zak Stevens is one of my favorite singer of all times. I really like basically everything he's done in his career. When the opportunity to play with him appeared, why would I say no?

Epicurean, Avian, The Supremacy, Cain, whatever else you wanna talk about: I was NEVER in ANY Of those bands. I did either session work or helped out a buddy. Just because it's "Bill Hudson" that doesn't mean you can hold that against me. I should start using a pseudonym…(well another one haha)

So really, there are TWO bands before Written in Blood that I was actually IN. I bet you've had two jobs before your current one. I STILL AM in Circle II Circle with no plans of quitting anytime. The rest was WORK or just a situation where was either going on the road for a few weeks or sitting at home writing about my frustrations on a forum.

No hard feelings or "taking too seriously". I just wanted to participate in the thread about me haha!

But hey, come check out Written in Blood The design isn't ready yet and the bio isn't updated. Once we get everything ready there'll be more tracks, but for now you can check out the one we did. And if there is ONE "Bill Hudson band" you can talk about, that's the one. I'm doing exactly what I love, the way I love, with the people I love. If you like it, awesome, thanks a lot. If you don't, don't buy it :)

I didn't mean to sound like a dick, but this is getting old…

Rock on guys!

Well done thank you!!! Cannot stop listening to that song....

I am amazed by your latest band...keep it up!
Did you write the lyrics?? This is fu%king great I was
floored when I heard them, it hit me hard....
the music, arrangements all is great, but especially love
the vocals, keep doing what you love! Because you are
never never alone....
Its so weird that this is even something people think about (that Bill is in multiple bands). John Mitchell, for instance, is in Frost*, Kino, It Bites. I love just about everything he does, and each band that he does is yet another facet of a great musician. I haven't heard all of Bill's work, but, I know he is a tremendous musician. Sometimes the pace of delivering new material with one band can really suck ass (especially if you are just overflowing with ideas). Let him do his thing!

I wonder if it is just Power Metal that has this kind of aversion to anything that breaks up the 'band as a tight, non-promiscuous unit' mentality?
We all like Bill here, right? What's with all the derision?

Shouldn't a musician WANT to play with lots of different people? Are we all foolish enough to believe that "sticking with one band" is the way to be successful?

The dude clearly loves what he's doing (playing in metal bands).

It's all in fun b/c we DO like Bill!!! :kickass:
I echo what Texas Beth said; I'm definitely glad I read this whole ridiculous thread before chiming in. It's easy to give a guy like Bill crap, regardless of whether or not you know him; he's insanely talented, focused, driven, sincere, and is doing what pretty much all of us in this forum WISH we were doing - making a living off of his instrument. Moreso, he knows what he wants and he's not afraid to go after it. He's one of my best friends, and having been both a bandmate and roommate of his, I know the guy doesn't need me to fight his battles for him. Any drummer worth their salt, or any MUSICIAN worth their salt for that matter, knows that when the opportunity to work with someone of Bill's talent comes along, you TAKE IT. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, but wouldn't you rather try and fail than fail to try? I know I would, and I did, and I'm DAMN glad that I did.

Now, where can I get one of those bumper stickers? :D
Bill kicked total ASS on stage this past weekend with Circle II Circle at the Florida Powerfest. If you could make it out and you didn't, well shame on you.

And I'm anxious to work with Written In Blood someday because their new music kicks my ass as well! Good job Bill! And stay true my friend! :D

Whose Bill Hudson? Wasn't he marrie to Goldie Hawn and Cindy Williams?

Ok, just being a wise ass, though I have to admit, when this thread first came out I had to look him up. Glad I didn't bother to participate earlier, though I have to say, I find it amusing how so many internet threads start out harmless and end up in a pissing match. I think it's trying to communicate only in writing, without the benefit of inflection, expression, instant feedback that deteriorates most internet discussions. Or maybe most people in forums are just dicks.

Anyway, I checked out "This Purpose Driven" and it's definitely rocking. Don't know if I ever met you at ProgPower, Bill, but I see you're playing NAMM. Hope to check out Written In Blood then and maybe I'll run into you at the Hilton.
I know Bill and consider him a good friend.

Bill is a very talented guitarist who's still getting his sea legs when it comes to this crazy ship we call ProgPower. Has he been in a lot of bands? Sure. Does that mean he's flaky or unsure of himself? Not at all.

If I was Bill, I'd probably do the same thing. I'd network, try out a bunch of bands and personnel and music styles - just to see what fits, what I like, what I don't like, etc.

There's nothing etched in stone that says he has to be in one band forever. Or even more than a week, frankly. It's his life, his career, and his path to trod however he sees fit. From what he's told me over the years, he's having a blast. What's so wrong about that?

I look forward to seeing what his latest band holds for him, as well as for our listening pleasure.

Rock on, Bill! :kickass:

(The other) Bill