Bill Hudson joins another band

I don't really know Bill all that well at all actually, to be honest. But I do think that Bill's another one of those cases where people are just "too comfortable" talking about him and he's got a reputation that doesn't reflect who he is.
I've been having a lot of those types of conversations with regulars over the last two years or so. I'm sure some of the women attendees of the festival could have some idea of the kind of gossip I'm talking about.

Enough is enough guys.

Well said.
What makes you think that WiB isn't his baby? Hell, calling Cellador his baby is just ignorant. He didn't start that band, wasn't a founding member, and only played on the debut album, writing hardly nothing for that album. This is the closest thing that Bill has had to his own band. So please, learn what you are talking about before talking about it. Wouldn't be the first time you should have taken that advice here.

well considering i never said "cellador was his baby" but rather "rejoin cellador" OR "create something that is his baby". So please read carefully what is in a post before you reply to it.

I also never said that Written in Blood isn't his baby nor do i know if it is or not. But, if it is, then Good. I hope he can find the time to put in 100% of his efforts into making this band successful. :kickass:
well considering i never said "cellador was his baby" but rather "rejoin cellador" OR "create something that is his baby". So please read carefully what is in a post before you reply to it.

I also never said that Written in Blood isn't his baby nor do i know if it is or not. But, if it is, then Good. I hope he can find the time to put in 100% of his efforts into making this band successful. :kickass:

You didn't have to spell it out, your implications were enough.
Good morning my friends,

Obviously my career is bothering a few people here. The question is... why? I don't understand why everything I do in my career (no matter how long it is for) turns out to be "another band he joined" and a reason for a new thread. Really, I'm just trying to make music. Sometimes it IS for money (I don't know what to tell you if you think that's wrong) and I don't think it's fair to "joke around" because of how many bands I have worked with in the past.

I would think a good percentage of you are musicians and know that you need a day job to support your passion for music. I don't have a day job, I never had. I actually do way more than you guys know. As an example, this week I joined a tribute band here in Los Angeles, because I will get to play some weekly gigs to have more of a steady income. For a while (11 years actually) I taught guitar, since I realized I was in Brazil and making a living with music would be impossible. Once I moved to the US and joined CELLADOR, I realized I was a bedroom shredder and it was more fun to tour than teaching music.

I honestly think this has to do with the fact that I used to drink so much and walk into random rooms to party with random people. I'm sorry, but I'm a friendly person, I've always been. I don't really like to be the "untouchable band member" or the "guy who hates everything because the world doesn't understand how amazing power/prog metal is". Hell, I don't even LISTEN to metal in my own time. I like to party. Even now, that I don't drink as much (if at all), I still go out partying and drink water or the occasional beer.

Add to that the fact that I'm younger than most of the other "ProgPower musicians". This last ProgPower was a very definite proof that some people believe to be my best buddies after they bought me a shoot or after I got so wasted that I passed out in their room. Hardly... I do have a few "ProgPower" friends and they know exactly WHO they are because I make sure to tell them that every time a new thread like this comes up or a new guy/girl approaches me and gets mad because I don't remember them.
I believe all those facts put together explain why threads like this pop up.

Even though I initially wanted to keep this away from ProgPower in general (I didn't post it here, did I?), I suppose SOMEONE had to bring it up here so I'll ask you: Please go and check out our music. Have you noticed that there aren't any familiar faces in the picture? Have you noticed there's no "ex-this band" or "ex-that band" in our lineup? This is because, for once, I'm doing WHAT I LIKE, the way I think it should be done. I'm not JOINING someone else's band. Well, at one point I was a session guy (and you'd never had heard about it if it stayed like that) because my good friend Jonah W. (PYRAMAZE) invited me. Turns out, Jonah and WRITTEN IN BLOOD did not work out, but I joined the band full time. At the same time, I started throwing my ideas around, which included writing a fuckload of songs. They loved it...I got more and more of a voice in the band and that was the result. This song that's up on the MySpace "This Purpose Driven Life" was entirely written by me, and this is the first time I ever get one of my songs recorded. This is the first time I am in a band that's actually MY THING and there isn't a fucking dickwad guitarist sitting by me saying "make it more extreme! we gotta be a shred band, your solo is too slow". This is EXACTLY WHAT I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO as far as music. I tried this with COLDERA, but I had problems with a few members and things didn't work out. Hell, how can you even INCLUDE Coldera when you talk about how many bands I was in, if we were merely an internet project? Then you might as well call THE SUPREMACY another of my bands, or CAIN (you didn't even know about this did you?) or EPICUREAN (I played 1 show with them over a year ago…so is that one of MY BANDS?) or whatever else I do that includes recording some guitars.

I don't expect most of you to like our music. It's very straightforward, verse/chorus metal and it's actually even leaning towards the more mainstream metal style. I don't know how to classify our music, but I'll tell you one thing that it's NOT: Prog Metal.

And since we're dropping names here…

Freedom Call: Where did that come from? I was NEVER in Freedom Call. I have a very good friend who WAS in the band and when he quit (in 2004) I tried out for his spot.

Cellador: This was my first band, and the one that brought me to the US. I have a half sleeve on my right arm of their album cover and I don't regret it for a second. There'll always be a place for Cellador in my heart, even if I don't particularly like Enter Deception. But it WAS the first album I recorded and that made somewhat of a name for me.

Power Quest: Steve Williams is probably the coolest guy in metal nowadays. No joke. He's the only band member I know that doesn't EVER talk shit about ANYONE. We had been friends for so long and I really like their music. We figured we'd give it a shoot. I played with them a grand total of 10 shows, all in the UK. Then we realized it would be stupid expensive to carry on doing it so we parted ways. We're still the best of friends. I introduced a few PQ fans to Manuela (their manager) at ProgPower because they drove 1500 miles to see them and couldn't. Another example of my naively friendly nature.

Coldera: You might as well call Written in Blood Coldera. That's what I tried to do when I quit Cellador. I had problems with members and the ONE member I decided to carry on working with (John Slaughter) is in Written in Blood as well. The song that's up on our MySpace was initially a Coldera song.

Circle II Circle: Zak Stevens is one of my favorite singer of all times. I really like basically everything he's done in his career. When the opportunity to play with him appeared, why would I say no?

Epicurean, Avian, The Supremacy, Cain, whatever else you wanna talk about: I was NEVER in ANY Of those bands. I did either session work or helped out a buddy. Just because it's "Bill Hudson" that doesn't mean you can hold that against me. I should start using a pseudonym…(well another one haha)

So really, there are TWO bands before Written in Blood that I was actually IN. I bet you've had two jobs before your current one. I STILL AM in Circle II Circle with no plans of quitting anytime. The rest was WORK or just a situation where was either going on the road for a few weeks or sitting at home writing about my frustrations on a forum.

No hard feelings or "taking too seriously". I just wanted to participate in the thread about me haha!

But hey, come check out Written in Blood The design isn't ready yet and the bio isn't updated. Once we get everything ready there'll be more tracks, but for now you can check out the one we did. And if there is ONE "Bill Hudson band" you can talk about, that's the one. I'm doing exactly what I love, the way I love, with the people I love. If you like it, awesome, thanks a lot. If you don't, don't buy it :)

I didn't mean to sound like a dick, but this is getting old…

Rock on guys!
I think what he is getting at, Zod, is it's sometimes hard to tell the difference between someone joking about it and someone actually meaning the things they are saying. Obviously, people like you, kaosaur, metalrose, Dolemite, etc... are just joking around. There are these other people who post, who don't know Bill but pick on him like they are best friends. As one of Bill's friends, it pisses me off about all of the alcohol and drunk jokes about him, because if any of these people actually knew Bill, they would know that he has cut back on his drinking significantly over the past year and a half or two years. I'm tired of hearing about it, as I'm sure he is.

That's exactly it.
I think what he is getting at, Zod, is it's sometimes hard to tell the difference between someone joking about it and someone actually meaning the things they are saying. Obviously, people like you, kaosaur, metalrose, Dolemite, etc... are just joking around. There are these other people who post, who don't know Bill but pick on him like they are best friends. As one of Bill's friends, it pisses me off about all of the alcohol and drunk jokes about him, because if any of these people actually knew Bill, they would know that he has cut back on his drinking significantly over the past year and a half or two years. I'm tired of hearing about it, as I'm sure he is.

And also congrats to bill on cutting back. which was the main reason I brought that up since the last time our band saw him he passed us his bottle of 100 proof vodka! lol :kickass::kickass:
What, someone isn't going to check out a band 'cuz some folks are making fun of the guitar player being in a bunch of different bands??? It does seem as though he's in a new band about once a month, and quite frankly, if he can't take a joke, he shouldn't be on the Internet anyway. :p

Seriously, if anyone wants to stand a chance of making any money off of music, chances are they're not going to have just one band. Few of these guys make that much off music.

signed, wife of a guy in at least 3 bands at the moment :p
What, someone isn't going to check out a band 'cuz some folks are making fun of the guitar player being in a bunch of different bands??? It does seem as though he's in a new band about once a month, and quite frankly, if he can't take a joke, he shouldn't be on the Internet anyway. :p

Seriously, if anyone wants to stand a chance of making any money off of music, chances are they're not going to have just one band. Few of these guys make that much off music.

signed, wife of a guy in at least 3 bands at the moment :p

Oh this sounds like an Urban Lege.......errrr ummmmm :lol:
What, someone isn't going to check out a band 'cuz some folks are making fun of the guitar player being in a bunch of different bands??? It does seem as though he's in a new band about once a month, and quite frankly, if he can't take a joke, he shouldn't be on the Internet anyway. :p
That was my take. I don't think I've ever met Bill, nor was I aware of him having a reputation as a partier. Since ProgPower is a weekend where most people drink more than they normally would, I don't put too much stock in ProgPower behavior. My comments were based purely on what seems like monthly announcements that he's working with a new band. However, I've never viewed this as a negative. I think it's probably smart for a young musician to involve himself in as many projects as he can. Honestly, I'm still not sure what was posted in this thread that was perceived as mean-spirited or demeaning to his career in any way. Oh well.

Well Zod, some people do think that him joining lots of bands is mockworthy. Same issue that Chity faced I guess. Its kind of a ridiculous sentiment though. Many metal artists are involved in several bands and attach themselves to various projects or sub in with bands live when needed.
I didn't read through this entire thread (tl;dr), but are people really upset that someone is in multiple bands? Wow...

Can we please find better things to rage about fellas? *hugs*
I didn't read through this entire thread (tl;dr), but are people really upset that someone is in multiple bands? Wow...

Can we please find better things to rage about fellas? *hugs*

Upset? No. I think its more like certain people think less of him because of it.
Cheiron, I have a lot of respect for you! I thought it was great that you came and introduced yourself at ProgPower even after our exchanged e-mails about how you don't like my music.

I think people like you are lacking in this forum (and the world, really...) and everything would be better if more people were like you! Thanks for your messages on this thread man, really!

And for the guy who said "Always good to meet another Hannah Montannah fan", I have to say:

"Always good to meet another intolerant progsnob who thinks you can EITHER listen to metal OR Hannah Montannah with no in between. That's exactly what we need".

NP: Hannah Montannah - The Best of Both Worlds

(sorry...I had to)
umm...for the record in case anyone misunderstood my intention in posting this thread...I wasn't doing it to make fun of Bill, I think Bill is cool as hell and always enjoy talking to him at ProgPowerUSA especially at PPUSA IX when our bands shared the stage on the Wednesday night show. I just figured I'd inform people that he joined another band, a band that I've known about since even before Jonah had joined the band when they were based out of North or South Carolina. (as I said I still don't know what happened with that, I assume Jonah wanted to focus on the fact that him and his significant other are/were expecting.)

just thought I'd clarify my end of things in case anyone misjudged me on this. I wouldn't know if anyone did or not cause I stopped reading half the thread because it was a bit ridiculous.
Good morning my friends,

Obviously my career is bothering a few people here. The question is... why? I don't understand why everything I do in my career (no matter how long it is for) turns out to be "another band he joined" and a reason for a new thread. Really, I'm just trying to make music. Sometimes it IS for money (I don't know what to tell you if you think that's wrong) and I don't think it's fair to "joke around" because of how many bands I have worked with in the past.

What you do with your own life and your own career is your own damn business! I would not take the bullshit that you see here seriously. Whether you joined one band or fifty, is entirely up to you. I am glad that you found something that you enjoy doing and trying to make a decent living at at it. All I can do here is wish you continued success. (Also to add) That being said, there are indeed a few folks that are sincerely interested in knowing what you are currently up to, such as the OP 'Patrick Hoyt' here and pass it along for others that maybe interested, perhaps so they can try giving whatever band you happened to be in a genuine listen/try. This is how I learn about new bands (I've never heard of Written in Blood myself until now) To bad that some folks have to blow it all up and turn it into some big joke. Like I said, don't take the bullshit seriously and continue to do what you enjoy doing.

I honestly think this has to do with the fact that I used to drink so much and walk into random rooms to party with random people. I'm sorry, but I'm a friendly person, I've always been. I don't really like to be the "untouchable band member" or the "guy who hates everything because the world doesn't understand how amazing power/prog metal is". Hell, I don't even LISTEN to metal in my own time. I like to party. Even now, that I don't drink as much (if at all), I still go out partying and drink water or the occasional beer.

I still thought how awesome that was when we partied at your guys hotel room at that Cellador show at Jaxx some three or four odd years ago. I think it is awesome that you enjoy to hang out and party with the rest of the folks.

Just out of curiosity, what do you listen to? I still like to dig out my classical recordings now and again. I still got my old two-channel vinyl rig that I still listen to (and in fact, got tickets to go to the symphony to see a performance Tchaikovsky's Symphony #6 - Pathetique as well as Beethoven's 7th Symphony later this winter).

Add to that the fact that I'm younger than most of the other "ProgPower musicians". This last ProgPower was a very definite proof that some people believe to be my best buddies after they bought me a shoot or after I got so wasted that I passed out in their room. Hardly... I do have a few "ProgPower" friends and they know exactly WHO they are because I make sure to tell them that every time a new thread like this comes up or a new guy/girl approaches me and gets mad because I don't remember them.
I believe all those facts put together explain why threads like this pop up.

I remember that it took you a second to remember me when I ran across you at this past ProgPower. I certainly did not get mad - figured, since it was a couple of years since I last got a chance to talk with you. Was cool to get to see you again, though.

I don't expect most of you to like our music. It's very straightforward, verse/chorus metal and it's actually even leaning towards the more mainstream metal style. I don't know how to classify our music, but I'll tell you one thing that it's NOT: Prog Metal.

I still need to give it a listen, so no comment on the style of your music. Hell, for that matter, Cellador would not exactly be considered "prog" metal either. I still enjoyed the hell out of it. But anyway, it is awesome to see that you found a band that you really seem to enjoy being a part of (along with Circle II Circle)

Cellador: This was my first band, and the one that brought me to the US. I have a half sleeve on my right arm of their album cover and I don't regret it for a second. There'll always be a place for Cellador in my heart, even if I don't particularly like Enter Deception. But it WAS the first album I recorded and that made somewhat of a name for me.

That night when the first time I saw you guys play at Jaxx here in Virginia will be a night I will not forget! I remember how excited Chris was to get to play Jaxx. Yes, there will also always be a place for Cellador in my heart as well. That was just so much fun and seemed to be just "lets go and party and have fun" instead of a typical concert type scenerio. Here is a picture that I was able to get from that night:


Power Quest: Steve Williams is probably the coolest guy in metal nowadays. No joke. He's the only band member I know that doesn't EVER talk shit about ANYONE. We had been friends for so long and I really like their music. We figured we'd give it a shoot. I played with them a grand total of 10 shows, all in the UK. Then we realized it would be stupid expensive to carry on doing it so we parted ways. We're still the best of friends. I introduced a few PQ fans to Manuela (their manager) at ProgPower because they drove 1500 miles to see them and couldn't. Another example of my naively friendly nature.

Actually sucks that Power Quest did not get to play ProgPower X. I was actually looking forward to see you perform with them. The other pisser is that I got a copy their last album, Master of Illusion, but for the life of me, I have no idea what the hell happened to it! I've practically turned this place upside down to look for it (still have yet to hear it :erk:)

Circle II Circle: Zak Stevens is one of my favorite singer of all times. I really like basically everything he's done in his career. When the opportunity to play with him appeared, why would I say no?

Awesome that I got to see you perform with Circle II Circle this past October at Jaxx. In fact, I tried to look for you after the show, but could not find you. Did get to shoot the shit with Zak for a little bit though. He really is cool. I am so looking forward to seeing you guys play the 'Cruise' this spring! That shit is going to be so awesome!

So really, there are TWO bands before Written in Blood that I was actually IN. I bet you've had two jobs before your current one. I STILL AM in Circle II Circle with no plans of quitting anytime. The rest was WORK or just a situation where was either going on the road for a few weeks or sitting at home writing about my frustrations on a forum.

Like I already said at the beginning. What you do with your life and your career is your own business. Believe me, some of the stupid jobs that I've had before finally earning my degree and making a pretty decent mint as a software engineer now.

No hard feelings or "taking too seriously". I just wanted to participate in the thread about me haha!

I didn't mean to sound like a dick, but this is getting old…

Rock on guys!

People were talking shit about you, so you got every write to "set the record straight" as far as I am concerned.

I'll have to go check out your new gig, especially once you guys get more material up. EDIT: Went and checked out that one song you have up at your MySpace page. That shit is bad-ass! Heavy and thrashy, yet melodic! I am really digging it! Looking forward to when you guys get some more material up, let alone when you guys actually have an album out (does Written in Blood have any albums out? I see they do have an EP out.)

Looking forward to seeing you again, at the very least in May on the Triton Power Cruise.
I got more and more of a voice in the band and that was the result. This song that's up on the MySpace "This Purpose Driven Life" was entirely written by me, and this is the first time I ever get one of my songs recorded.

Good to hear. I will be checking it out. Thanks to OP for posting thread. I'll ignore all the tomfoolery.
