Billy, dude you are blunt lol

Christianmetalheadus said:
Come on dude give us some fucking hate !!!!
Stop being so fucking nice !!!

come on let it out my'll feel much better...
PLEASE :yell: . for GODS sake :yell:
"feel the hate flowing within you my son"-darth vader
nah for real though I admire your conviction and you are good musicain but Ive read the bible (wich remided me of star wars alot times) and it said that before satan was......well satan he composed music in hevan. so jesus isnt the creator of music (I dont know he probaly had somthing to do with limp bizkit) and you cant seriously tell me that god made bands like king dimond and deicide, so come on lets be realistic.
You are right about satan leading music in Heaven, lucifer was the angel who did music from what I understand, but he did not create music! God made him, God created music, king diamond decided to use something that God made for good and decided to glorify an idiot, satan. Although JESUS CHRIST loves king diamond(or whatever his name is, as much as HE loves anyone else, the Love of JESUS Christ is unconditional) But like I am not trying to like make a fight out of this or anything and I dont want any of you guys on here thinking that because you are not a Christian that I think I am better than you or something, because I am not, JESUS CHRIST is the only ONE who has walked this earth that is better than anyone, and HE is better than all of us put together! Oh and to the guy who wants me to be angry, I actually get really mad about alot of stuff man, I actually want to puch people out alot, but Jesus Christ has called me to turn the other cheek, which is soo hard to do! Anyways, sorry if I am sounding all preachy and stuff guys, you dudes are nicer than you think though, lol. Ya'll aint so mean!! lol
Thrash or be thrashed!!!
God bless,
Look let me be the one to say it....
KING DIAMOND IS GAY!!!! Sorry to break it to you, I mean hell I don't want to be the one that brings metalheadxx out of hiding, but it's a fact.:waah:

FRED DURST ALSO SMOOCHES THE PICKLE!!:erk: damn man!! I thought this was the Billy Milano website and that these facts were known.

Christianmetalheadus said:
You are right about satan leading music in Heaven, lucifer was the angel who did music from what I understand, but he did not create music! God made him, God created music, king diamond decided to use something that God made for good and decided to glorify an idiot, satan. Although JESUS CHRIST loves king diamond(or whatever his name is, as much as HE loves anyone else, the Love of JESUS Christ is unconditional) But like I am not trying to like make a fight out of this or anything and I dont want any of you guys on here thinking that because you are not a Christian that I think I am better than you or something, because I am not, JESUS CHRIST is the only ONE who has walked this earth that is better than anyone, and HE is better than all of us put together! Oh and to the guy who wants me to be angry, I actually get really mad about alot of stuff man, I actually want to puch people out alot, but Jesus Christ has called me to turn the other cheek, which is soo hard to do! Anyways, sorry if I am sounding all preachy and stuff guys, you dudes are nicer than you think though, lol. Ya'll aint so mean!! lol
Thrash or be thrashed!!!
God bless,
I know I'm gonna catch alot shit for this, but,here goes. Christian you are fucking annoying me bro. Do me a favor and go to another board man. This is for haters and pissed off angry fucking animals.Go to a I luv Jesus board or something. I know you don't mean to push ypur relgion on us but all I see is jesus this and god that. I don't wanna see that shit.This board officially sucks dick. Sorry Bill and my others bros but I don't wanna see that shit when I come here.I come here to vent and hear other pissed off people like me. This shit is fucking lame ass. Hail pot and smoke Satan.Bobby O :Smokin: :Smokin: :heh: :Smokin: :Smokin:
bobo'c said:
I know I'm gonna catch alot shit for this, but,here goes. Christian you are fucking annoying me bro. Do me a favor and go to another board man. This is for haters and pissed off angry fucking animals.Go to a I luv Jesus board or something. I know you don't mean to push ypur relgion on us but all I see is jesus this and god that. I don't wanna see that shit.This board officially sucks dick. Sorry Bill and my others bros but I don't wanna see that shit when I come here.I come here to vent and hear other pissed off people like me. This shit is fucking lame ass. Hail pot and smoke Satan.Bobby O :Smokin: :Smokin: :heh: :Smokin: :Smokin:

Hear hear !!!!! old chap, its gone a bit lame.....
FUCK OFF jesus boy with the rest of the belgium,french,muslim loving ,hairy carpet munchers...oh and hippys.....go save some fucking africans aint no salvation to be done round here bitch. :kickass: :Shedevil: :rock: :loco: .
yeah i'm being nasty but we gave the dude a chance to show some fucking feelings !!
What the fuck is all the commotion here??

I don't get it bobo so explain it to me....I say basically whatever the fuck I want about whoever the fuck I want with no problems (Some people cry but hey like I give a shit!!) I don't think we have a problem here this kids alright.
Bobo you're "spiritually void" right?? So why the fuck do you care about anything this kid says?? I like you bobo, you're one of the maybe 4 or 5
people posting here that I respect but dude I can't stand by and either watch or agree with you trying to censor somebody, I won't! I have the same feelings about God that he does....Exactly the same!! Somebody throw some grief my way!! PLEASE!!....Bottom line, I don't want bad blood between me and like I said the 4 or 5 people whose posts I really enjoy (You know who you are) Nik, you don't really post enough for me to feel like I know you. I mean you're a boxing fan and that alone says you're a fucking nut! which is good enough for me. But hey if you don't like the kids posts don't read em!!
And if you want him gone...Take it to Billy, it's his board and we're all guests.
And "Bring It On" good or bad I'm ready!!

bobo'c said:
I know I'm gonna catch alot shit for this, but,here goes. Christian you are fucking annoying me bro. Do me a favor and go to another board man. This is for haters and pissed off angry fucking animals.Go to a I luv Jesus board or something. I know you don't mean to push ypur relgion on us but all I see is jesus this and god that. I don't wanna see that shit.This board officially sucks dick. Sorry Bill and my others bros but I don't wanna see that shit when I come here.I come here to vent and hear other pissed off people like me. This shit is fucking lame ass. Hail pot and smoke Satan.Bobby O :Smokin: :Smokin: :heh: :Smokin: :Smokin:
T_man357 said:
What the fuck is all the commotion here??
Purhaps its me? But I just want him to bite a bit. I dont want to slag anyone (its been done to me, I dont like it). My tongue is in cheek, I know we have been trying to stear away from nastyness but please T-man come on you must know what i'm getting at ??? The guys toooooooo niceeeeee he must be fucked off about something??? To me it aint about no religion each to his own,you dont care about mine & I dont care about yours, I dont want this kid to not post I just want to see him bite back a little bit at least maybe even swear...I'm not the cleverest bloke around (i'm certainatly the worse speller!!!) I like to go on this board (the only one) & rant with a SMILE and thats what I hope i'm doing!! I feel if christianhead gets pissed with me or anyone GOOD and welcome.please tell us what makes you want to punch people christian but do it without mentioning Jesus or God, shit you aint even gotta swear if it makes you to uncomfitable WE HAVE GOTTA BE A LITTLE BIT MEAN ON THIS SITE..............................for BILLYS fucking sake.

p.s. T_man I did a bit of training with my boys...fuck me I gotta remember I'm past 30 i'm to old for that shit now!!!! :erk:
I know the deal, and trust me there's no one on this board angrier or meaner
than me (probably a few just as, but none worse) and I read your last post and do get it....I just don't think that because this kid can't keep up with my
hostility that he should be forced to shut up.

I understand about the preaching too, I CAN'T STAND someone throwing shit at me that I either don't agree with or don't want to hear about.
But he said that he doesn't do that so lets give him the benefit of the doubt.

Lets try and get back to the Metal, that's really what it's all about.
I'm not about to give up my anger....It's my best quality:yell: :yell:

And don't let those kids whoop you Nik, 30 ain't old dude....That's what 40 is for..

nik said:
Purhaps its me? But I just want him to bite a bit. I dont want to slag anyone (its been done to me, I dont like it). My tongue is in cheek, I know we have been trying to stear away from nastyness but please T-man come on you must know what i'm getting at ??? The guys toooooooo niceeeeee he must be fucked off about something??? To me it aint about no religion each to his own,you dont care about mine & I dont care about yours, I dont want this kid to not post I just want to see him bite back a little bit at least maybe even swear...I'm not the cleverest bloke around (i'm certainatly the worse speller!!!) I like to go on this board (the only one) & rant with a SMILE and thats what I hope i'm doing!! I feel if christianhead gets pissed with me or anyone GOOD and welcome.please tell us what makes you want to punch people christian but do it without mentioning Jesus or God, shit you aint even gotta swear if it makes you to uncomfitable WE HAVE GOTTA BE A LITTLE BIT MEAN ON THIS SITE..............................for BILLYS fucking sake.

p.s. T_man I did a bit of training with my boys...fuck me I gotta remember I'm past 30 i'm to old for that shit now!!!! :erk:
T I'm just trying to get a rise out of this guy. I have no beef with you or my other bros here. I feel this guy is a fanatic and I don't like it. I'll steer clear of this subject in the future. You guys are my boyz and we have to much in common. I just have a fucked prospective of religion.Once again I'm sorry T.This should be my last post on this subject.later amigos :wave:
Bobo bro, Your crazy posts are one of the main reasons I stick around here!
You don't need to apologize to me dude!! We're just two of the many sick
fuckers posting on this board, Don't take anything I said personally!!
I just wanted to get my point across.

Angry for Life!!! Metal forever!!!! American and proud!!!!

bobo'c said:
T I'm just trying to get a rise out of this guy. I have no beef with you or my other bros here. I feel this guy is a fanatic and I don't like it. I'll steer clear of this subject in the future. You guys are my boyz and we have to much in common. I just have a fucked prospective of religion.Once again I'm sorry T.This should be my last post on this subject.later amigos :wave:
Thats all gravy brother.Lets keep it metal. All day today I've been jammin The new Death Angel. It fukkin rawks bro.I finally just got Pro-pain's covers album. It fukking kill too. Any suggestions on some new metal and hardcore shit out there.
New Death Angel it's not the same without Gus...
I picked that up the other day listened to it a few times and then found myself
putting in Act 3.....I don't know maybe it's just me...

Has anyone heard anything from Probot yet??
I like everything I've read & heard about it but I haven't heard one fucking song
from it......Just curious.

bobo'c said:
Thats all gravy brother.Lets keep it metal. All day today I've been jammin The new Death Angel. It fukkin rawks bro.I finally just got Pro-pain's covers album. It fukking kill too. Any suggestions on some new metal and hardcore shit out there.
Probot is GAY! I like a few songs but the rest is just filler bullshit...DON'T get me wrong here I love Grohls drumming and I really like what he did with QOTSA but it just is not metal. The song with Lemmy is badass but how could it not be and the song with Max from Sepultura is the shit also......Just one thing, Grohl is NOT metal he is definitely an excellent musician but just think of some the gay shit he has done with Foo Fighters!!!!!! I would check out Mondo Generator by Nick Oliveri formerly of QOTSA that stuff is awesome (at least Cocaine Rodeo is, I haven't checked out the new one yet) that motherfucker is such a methed out nutcase he definitley reminds me of Sid Vicious with some of the crazy shit he has done.....yeah I can definitely see Bobo's point about ChristianHead mentioning Jesus too much but like T-Man said he has a right to be here if he wants to also and it is Billy's site and if he wants him to be off of it he would def. say something. I would rather have Christianhead to not be so blatant about the use of Jesus this and Jesus that it definitely is starting to alienate me also. I just can't deal with Bible thumpers.....So ChristianHead if you read this just try to tone it down a little bit on talking about Jesus so much....PLEASE :dopey: I am not telling you to not write or post because I like to see EVERYONES opinion(well with the exception xxMetalHeadxx fuck that fucking fuck :mad: ) Just talk a little more about music and some going ons in your life and whatever just please don't talk so much about religion because then it becomes a fine line and people start to get mad or annoyed and we don't want to be mean unless it is deserving :heh: Anyhow is anyone doing some fun shit this weekend???? I have know idea what I am doing but I have a feeling that it will involve beating the shit out of a case of Coors :kickass:
Thanks for the support tman, umm I have posted plenty of things about music. Also alot of me talking about THE LORD is just replying to stuff that you guys have said. Anyways, I think the Foo Fighters are a really good band.
Another question, any of you guys hate nu metal like I do? I dont think that metal should even be in the same sentence with that crap.

God bless,