Bin Laden is dead.

I'm not talking about holding off for months, or even weeks. Just long enough for CIA to analyze the data and determine what that treasure trove contains. Then maybe make a few phone calls to the numbers in bin Laden's clothes, with NSA's SIGINT folks listening in...triangulating....
Sorry Paul, but Adaher is right....Election year, this guy is all about the hype. If he can keep this up, he hopes to distract everyone from the fact that the government is trying to give a new definition to the phrase "big brother".

That said, I would have liked them to give the 9-11 families some closure with a "private viewing". It would have been the decent thing to do, as they were the ones who lost the most at the hands of that dog.
I don't know. I'm a bit skeptical of them releasing all the info. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that they release some of the info but not all, as they probably want to keep Al Qaeda on their toes.