It all boils down to what I told some Swedes and Danes in Oslo, ( Once they found out I was American, they grilled me for two hours. )
If you think your government tells you everything, you're frikken crazy.
If you think your government tells you everything, you're frikken crazy.
Uhhh....what? I wasn't the one who said that..
It's a joke, Milton. I'm just giving you a hard time.
Drink more tea.
But where I get annoyed is when people take this "question everything" ideal which is great and turn it into "President Obama is one of the Reptilian Elite members of the New World Order Illuminati who basically govern the world and have for millennia. The evidence is in the chemical contrails sprayed by our government airplanes."
Please don't make me go all Jon Schaffer on everyone's ass because you cannot keep it civil.
Conspiracy theorists line up to the right behind Brother Ventura.
Liberalites line up on the left where the goverment can do no wrong.
Civil adults that are happy that justice has been served and could care less about anything else can line up behind me.
If anything, it gives closure to some people who were directly affected by 9/11.
I think justice has been done for sure. If anything, it gives closure to some people who were directly affected by 9/11.
While I would have preferred that they had captured him rather than killing him, the story is obviously that there was a shoot out which isn't really that surprising of course. Capturing him would avoid martyrdom and if Al-Qaeda views their leader as captured, then nobody would rise within Al-Qaeda as a new "leader" (in whatever capacity that Bin Laden was leading in the last few years, which is something we don't (the general USA populace) know).
Aside from that, as much as he deserved it, death is always terrible.
But the people out there celebrating? Ok, I get that to a degree. A little celebration for the accomplishment and some closure to those who have lost loved ones either in 9/11 directly, the rescuers dying now from cancer or other ailments, or those in the armed forces.
But at the same time people should look at themselves and what's going on around them and not get too caught up in the moment. Why? First of all, how does this make us any better than the people roaming the streets on 9/11 in foreign countries that don't exactly have a friendly relationship with us? Singing and chanting in the streets, signs with 'death to osama' (or in their case 'death to the usa'), flags everywhere, etc. is exactly the behaviour they exhibited, and now we're doing the same thing. Second, remember the months following 9/11 with all the fervor and "patriotism" that the USA experienced. Now look at various laws passed in order to protect various freedoms. Do not put it past a government to use the fervor that we may experience with Bin Laden's demise and try to pass new laws, good or bad.
I'm glad that on some level that justice was served, but at the same time we don't need to be barbaric about it and we need to keep our eyes open for those that would use this success to harm us as a country.
+1 to Dorky Duchess. Bush could've done this when he had the chance many times if this was the case, and I thought he was the one that really did 9/11 anyways!
Anyways, I'm not going to poke fun at theorists anymore. They have their opinions and beliefs and nobody is going to change them and I respect that right. I agree with Glenn, I think we should just all take a breather that dude was brought to justice. And if you don't believe that, we can still hug it out!
While it is certainly well within a person's right and likely responsibility to willfully question information every day, to take it to a degree where you truly believe that every bit of news you receive is somehow soaked in a lipid-layer of translucent bullshit is irresponsible. As a journalist, it is my job to report facts and attribute those facts to trustworthy sources. If no one trusts the source, then no one trusts the facts. If there was a major cover-up of anything significant, THAT would be the news. We would find it out.
I truly believe that it is reasonable to say that you feel certain aspects of Bin Laden's death could be fishy...but remember that it is part of a painfully thought-out and time-consuming war tactic that we are not supposed to know that much about. Question it. Do. But don't take it to a level where you believe that each maneuver we make in the war effort has some type of political agenda or hidden motive behind it.
I'm glad that Metal Madman stated he was sarcastic with the "Osama's been dead for years" comment, but c'mon dude...there are people who do believe that and even you must admit that it's unreasonable to have that view of the world which is based not on fact but actually non-factual and illogical reasoning. I say illogical reasoning because it makes absolutely no sense to me to say "I don't believe this is true. Therefore, the opposite must be true." That doesn't add up.
I think any intelligent, informed citizen would know by now that they're not supposed to know everything that goes on behind closed doors in the government and military. We get what they need us to hear. And that is okay. And it is also very much okay to think that it sucks that we can't know more.
But where I get annoyed is when people take this "question everything" ideal which is great and turn it into "President Obama is one of the Reptilian Elite members of the New World Order Illuminati who basically govern the world and have for millennia. The evidence is in the chemical contrails sprayed by our government airplanes."
So yeah, question everything. But keep your theories reasonable.