Bin Laden is dead.

But today especially I have been tired of seeing any of us who question anything being called conspiracy idiots, or whack jobs. I do not worship FOX, CNN, MSNBC, nor do I worship ALEX JONES, or JESSE VENTURA. What I worship is COMMON SENSE..... and when things to me don't add up, or make sense to me....I QUESTION IT.

I guess I can understand those who want to see the body. Then again, I also understand how that could turn into a royal mess in the Islamic community if they didn't respect his religion.

As for the timing, people are always going to question timing because politicians almost always can use some good news politically. Fact is, if someone is looking for "suspicious" timing, they are always going to find it.
I self edited the smart ass comment I was going to insert here.

I'm damn glad OBL is gone. I am about as far from an Obama supporter as you can get and not be a right wing loony, but I am glad he had the stones to act on good intelligence.
As for the timing, people are always going to question timing because politicians almost always can use some good news politically. Fact is, if someone is looking for "suspicious" timing, they are always going to find it.

I agree with this.. but when you think about it, how good would this timing have been? We're not even at the primaries, yet..
Hey guys, so we know now that Obama can go up to SSJ 2, do you think he's hiding the truth--- that he can go SSJ 3?!?!?!? You know, taking it .... even further!!!!
That seems a little silly to toss in. Given the dramatic hugeness of the universe, intelligent life that isn't ours is statistically probable.

You'd be surprised how many people don't believe in aliens.

Personally, I think that believing that the president created an elaborate scheme to fool people into thinking that he killed Osama bin Ladin in order to gain votes is WAY harder to believe in than aliens, but... there are some who might disagree.
+1 to Dorky Duchess. Bush could've done this when he had the chance many times if this was the case, and I thought he was the one that really did 9/11 anyways!

Anyways, I'm not going to poke fun at theorists anymore. They have their opinions and beliefs and nobody is going to change them and I respect that right. I agree with Glenn, I think we should just all take a breather that dude was brought to justice. And if you don't believe that, we can still hug it out!
Are you saying you don't believe in Mexicans? Because I have a friend named Jose (no, really, I do. Goes by "Saladbar" on these forums) whose very existence proves Mexicans exist.

It's a lie. His real name is Viktor, and he's a spy from Kyrgyzstan!
It all boils down to what I told some Swedes and Danes in Oslo, ( Once they found out I was American, they grilled me for two hours. )

If you think your government tells you everything, you're frikken crazy.

I am with Justin....what conspiracy theories??? I am sure there will be some eventually but everything is pretty much laid out in black and white. Pakastan pretty much was hiding him but then gave him up last minute....very last minute. I am sure in the next coming years we will learn more about the whole thing but just be glad he is caught. I am just sick of the people praising Obama for getting him when all he did was give the go-ahead. It was the troops who got him and did the dirty work and risked thier lives.

Also, this does not mean the war is over. It is still just the begining. Like the news even said last night. Security will be even tougher for a while now wainting on repocusions. Now we have to worry about sleeper cells and other nut jobs trying to do stuff.

Completely agree. I like Obama, but it isn't like this was all his master plan.

And I definitely agree with the latter part of what you said. As I've been telling people, this is not the end of anything. They cut the snake's head off but come on people, there are plenty of others in Al Qaeda that are just as twisted as he was. I'm not saying killing Bin Laden does nothing, it is certainly a very crucial step but we're not out of this situation.