While I would have preferred that they had captured him rather than killing him, the story is obviously that there was a shoot out which isn't really that surprising of course. Capturing him would avoid martyrdom and if Al-Qaeda views their leader as captured, then nobody would rise within Al-Qaeda as a new "leader" (in whatever capacity that Bin Laden was leading in the last few years, which is something we don't (the general USA populace) know).
wow...really? this statement is not well thought out. If we captured Bin laden there would be terrorist attacks all over the place in hopes we would have to release him. So if he is captured no one can move up???? really? So second in command doesnt make any calls what so ever unless he is dead? Capture would be ideal but it would cause more death than ever because Al-Qaeda would just unleash hell on earth making the US look worse by not giving in and letting innocent people die. By doing this they would make the US goverment look bad to other countries and its own people. Exactly what they want. Unfortunatly, death was the only answer. This will stop nothing...just make them splinter off into smaller groups or even make them more dangerous. Will there be retibution? I am sure. Will the US hunt down those people? Yes.