Bitch about your life here.

Aww, I hope things will get better for you, Violet. School makes a person's life so frustrating, especially if you have to be there for seven hours, only to come home to do more homework and what not.
I want to be pretty for my boyfriend. He says I'm beautiful but I hate my body, I hate the way some people look at me like a freak. I'm 6ft2, blonde and have large breasts so people think I'm easy but I also have really bad psoriasis so when it's bad (like now) people look at me like I don't know how to look after myself. I just want to have nice skin again that doesn't cause me agony 90% of the time and doesn't make me feel self-conscious when I'm intimate with my man.
Hey Violet, you have all my sympathies! I know what this feels like.. Ive been there last year :zzz:

Id bitch about my life now.. but people who shouldnt might read it.. and Ive acted pathetically enough lately anyway.. :rolleyes:
Maybe I'll vent in the next post, I dont know...
bitch about my life?
feel free to stop me at any point hahaha

a)pissed off with my ex for not telling me why we split up
b)the fact i had to see a councillor this year for depression
c)my excessive drinking
d)my job
e)lack of money
g)being too cocky, a world where confident females are regarded as a threat, i say fuck it
h)no gorgoeus blonde haired cLG Petrov lookalike bits of totty living in Bristol
j)the weather
k)my landlord for being a cunt
l)Bolton Wanders for not being higher up the premiereship
m)lack of money, again
n)my tattooist being booked up for the next 2 weeks, i want another one tomorrow
o)indian food for giving me a fucked up stomach
p)my job, iyts crap, did i mention that?
q)entombed-for only playing in milton keynes and london
r)the sisters-marjok, kate and sick-they can die
s)my housemate greg-for being like mr.bean
t)the fact im nearly 30
u)im bored
v)bristol is gay
w)i had a row with my mum this morning
x)i hae my ex more with each passing day
z)the fact i live in bristol, not stockholm, faaaaaan....jag ar inte cool