Bizarre dream I had last night

I probably shouldn't post this cos you'll all think I'm a total wack-job but here goes!! :loco:

Last night I dreamt that I flew to America just to attend a Maidens show. I got there and it was a festival rather like Donington. So I'm wandering around and then I see that Bob Rock and some band are in one of those trailer home things waiting to meet people to sign stuff. I would love to meet Bob Rock as he's produced some of my favourite albums so I went in and started talking to this band that I've never heard of, so they're signing this pic for me and I'm talking to Bob and I want him to sign something too so I tell him to wait whilst I go and buy a record for him to sign. I dash out and over to this little record stall and am searching desperately for a Metallica record that I could buy but there was none. Somehow I forget all about this and go into this room where the Maidens are gonna play. I'm front row and to the left leaning on this huge amp with wheels which is annoying me cos it keeps moving. The band come on and Wanda shouts something into the mic and starts getting the crowd (of about 10 people!! :confused: ) hyped up. I thought this was strange as Wanda always seems the quiet one. Then Aja comes over and tapes the setlist to the amp for me to see it. She says "Jenna, this song is specially for you!" then Sara starts singing Duff McKagan's Believe In Me (another huge :confused: right there!). She had a really high sweet voice, like a choir singer. After that, the girls start playing an Avril Lavigne song again with Sara singing. I looked at the setlist and it's pretty long but there are only about 2 Maiden songs on it which I remember as being Murders In The Rue Morgue and Infinite Dreams. I was getting kinda irritated cos I was wanting them to play Maiden songs and they were playing loads of pop songs!!

Ok, just letting you know the weird dreams I have!!! :hypno: :p
RoboCaster said:
Yes this is Nightmare that symbolizes some high anxiety, not so much as a guilty conscious…

Ooops, I meant to say:
A nightmare that symbolizes some high anxiety, doesn't indicate a guilty conscious… I say you need more sleep and call me in the morning.
RoboCaster said:
Ooops, I meant to say:
A nightmare that symbolizes some high anxiety, doesn't indicate a guilty conscious… I say you need more sleep and call me in the morning.

hahaha dr. robo! yeah, ever had a reaccuring nightmare? if you dream it again tell me if it was sk8erboi or complicated :yell: i've always wanted to destroy a pop song!
If it keeps coming back, then you're stuck in Infinate Dreams, every time it end another is fertile and ready to sprout.

Anyway, lack of sleep causes bad dreams; I hear. Mr. Crowley wrote some instructions on how to produce nightmares if you like that kind of thing. Personaly I love to dream about being on top of the mountains looking out and down on the tops of all the other snow covered mountains, being in that place is so happy up there.
I used to dream very vividly and have even weirder dreams than that one, Jenna! Since I started training in karate it seems that I sleep deeper now and rarely remember a thing!!! So I highhly recommend physical exhaustion as a remedy! Plus no hangover! :p
Wow! And I thought I was one of the few people who have such weird dreams:lol:

I had a dream recently, it was very funny because of how I came to dream about that, I was in a taxi, leaving my cousin's house, and I was listening to Maiden, and then I fell asleep. I started dreaming that my cousin knew Steve Harris and that he was in her house:lol: I've never have dreamt sonething quite like that XD
One time before I knew how to play the guitar I was listening to Styx playing Blue Collar Man while sleeping and saw myself from the eyes of Tommy. I was in his body playing so flamboyant, and I never looked at the neck, I was on my knees and things and my only thoughts were not on how to play, I was merely concerned about smiling at people before me because it was that easy to play.