Blabbermouth finally smartened up


Jan 11, 2006
BLABBERMOUTH.NET: Cleaning Up The Crap - Sep. 28, 2006

As you may have noticed, there has been a lower-than-usual number of comments below each story on BLABBERMOUTH.NET for the last couple of weeks. The reason for this is simple: We are in the process of cleaning up the countless abusive, obscene, defamatory, racist, homophobic and threatening comments that have been posted on this site since the "comments" feature was implemented back in early 2002. That also means that anyone posting such comments going forward will be immediately and permanently banned.

You can still voice your opinion and you are welcome to be as honest as you wish to be. However, calling musicians whose music you don't like "faggots," making racist remarks and threatening other people on this site who happen to disagree with your views is not something that will be tolerated.

For the time being, the sign-up feature on BLABBERMOUTH.NET is disabled and will remain so until we have cleaned up the comments database and are satisfied that most of the troublemakers are dealt with appropriately.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. You can also help us by reporting any instance of these rules being violated going forward.
I'm sure I'll get slammed, but I thought it was pretty entertaining... Hope Metal Sludge doesn't decide to follow in their footsteps....
Oh it could be entertaining. But not of value. I'd rather read true/honest comments on albums/news from people than the preppy city hood (aka.. rich kids at HotTopic) speak.
Kathy said:
I'm sure I'll get slammed, but I thought it was pretty entertaining... Hope Metal Sludge doesn't decide to follow in their footsteps....

Metalsludge is the lowest of the sess pool as far as message boards go. There's nothing even remotely attractive or entertaining about using profanity for profanity's sake. Maybe if i was 12 i could appreciate it but i'm too old for that now,lol. Like i've always heard, "profanity is simple words from simple minds". There's other ways to argue your point/opinion with someone in a more intelligant way if you have the mind for it. With that said i have found several post at MS very witty but they would be witty without the profanity, it's not nessacery.

OK i'm gonna go get a FUCKING beer ::kickass: :)
biggs0072000 said:
I personally found the "I'd pee in her butt" jokes rather funny, but beyond that, the Blabberslamming got a bit old.

I don't get why people find it funny. It was about time they did that for the sake of the website. Also, I think all of those retards should get banned from their forum when post these comments (not necessarily this one, but the stupid and senseless rowdy ones).
AngraRULES said:
I don't get why people find it funny. It was about time they did that for the sake of the website. Also, I think all of those retards should get banned from their forum when post these comments (not necessarily this one, but the stupid and senseless rowdy ones).

I do agree with you about the moderation of Blabbermouth. It'll be nice to see a turn around.

I'm just hoping they implement some form of a way to ban kids who speak in only 1337-speek
What's the old saying...
"If you don't want to see it/hear it - turn it off/change the channel"

If you don't want to see/read it - don't type the address into your browser.
I never said I don't wanna read it. In fact I love the website and its content. I just hate the stupid idiots that go on the website just to post bullshit.
Funniest post I've seen since the new rules were passed:

Like-gendered devotees of this band gaze smolderingly into each others' eyes over candlelit dinners on the patio.
TheWhisper said:
What's the old saying...
"If you don't want to see it/hear it - turn it off/change the channel"

If you don't want to see/read it - don't type the address into your browser.

The best part is, Blabbermouth was set up so that you could read the news items without even seeing the comments; YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO CLICK ON THE "VIEW/POST COMMENTS" BUTTON in order to access the offending material...yet giving people a CHOICE of whether or not to view that material was still not good enough.

As for the Metal Sludge board, I still find it an entertaining read. If anyone wants to come swim in the "sess pool", look me user name on that board is Fucktard-Nutswinger.
shaq said:
You enjoy reading fabricated, sensationalist content? :heh:

I enjoy how they're usually good and timely with some news, such as tour announcements, etc.

However, their attempt to be "People" Magazine is annoying, and their reviews suck.
There wasn't a single news post that didn't turn into a flame fest. The best part would be a news article on something like Blind Guardian and the guy with the nu-metal username would be first to say how much the band is full of talentless pussies (but w/ 10x more swear words). Of course, they'd in turn get flamed for a comment like that when sporting their own talentless band username.
It was basically all a bunch of 14 year olds with anonymity that would trash every band they could because nothing was going to happen to them (until now).
I personally think this is a bad move on Blabbermouth's part. It could potentially turn into something they can't control (it takes time to ban someone), and if they have to give up the effort as a result the situation on the site will be worse than ever.
ya know I think because of some... ok most.. of the content you find over there at BM, not too many people take it all that seriously... It's kinda like rock/ metal's Enquirer... It's mostly BS but exposure is exposure kinda sites...