She's a loathesome embarrassment on all levels. I had the discomfort of actually seeing her face on CNN the other day.
The reporter said to her, "What do you say to this suggestion, Congresswoman?" One of her 41 white-ass lawyers started to reply, only to be interrupted by the reporter, who said "Excuse me sir, but I directed my question to the Congresswoman."
CONGRESSBITCH McKinney snapped, "I think you oughtta lissen to my lawyer." And that was the interview.
She was nasty, crude, offensive, and appears to be one of those supra-elitist oligarch types who must think she is better than everyone else, since she has the ability to menstruate in the hallowed halls of Congress.
WEll, she playeth the race card and assaulted the Capitol police department with her accusations. That follows physically assaulting a police officer, who does have the right to physically restrain anyone, male or female.
With that, its not surprising that they are going to prosecute the charge after all.