Black Dahlia = SLAYER

The Man said:
black dahlia sounds like a direct tribute to dimmu borgir who charlie is open about being a big fan of. listen to ANY dimmu song and compare it to the drumming in black dahlia.
and no, this is not a bad thing by any means.

I know Charlie is a Dimmu fan, but people talk like blast beats are something Dimmu invented. It's a tremolo picked riff with Charlie blastin away, like a thousand other death metal/black metal songs.

It is quite kick ass though.
poorchoiceofwords said:
I know Charlie is a Dimmu fan, but people talk like blast beats are something Dimmu invented. It's a tremolo picked riff with Charlie blastin away, like a thousand other death metal/black metal songs.

It is quite kick ass though.
no, dimmu didn't invent blast beats or black metal. they are just one of the more well known groups in the scene. especially with anthrax fans since charlie talks about them often.
What Doesn't Die = Slayer. Listen to the riffs; lead; slow middle part.

Black Dahlia = Anthrax with a black metal riff, nothing else.
Don't know, to me it sounds like a mix between some South of Heaven (singing), a LOT of Divine intervention and some Diabolus/GHUA (voice)