Black Metal Anathema v.s. newer melodic Anathema

I think the first black metal bands took the idea for the corpsepaint from the pandas!!! :lol:
''Even the most kind thing can be used for the deeds of evil''
Lord of the rings (if i remember well...) :lol:
Originally posted by neph
Yeah, I wanna see Anathema on tour wearing leather and spikes, and corpsepaint..

i have seen a video bootleg of an old gig ('94??) where darren, duncan and vinny look like pandas :lol: ..i mean, with black make up around their eyes.. or maybe it was just my imagination, hehe - the quality of that video was really bad -
Never Black Metal-though i have some pics from a gig in Germany where the guys are wearing eye make up like Celtic Frost used too!

And THe Dazza stuff rules too!
New Anathema owns you all!!!

Although 'The Silent Enigma' isn't far from the top (yet not quite at the top).

And I have to stick up for corpsepainted black metal here... I for one miss the heyday of Norwegian black metal, although there are a selection of great bands still around today.

But yeah, they do look like pandas....:lol:
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
i think anathema sold out after the second half of the first song of the first demo.

No you silly man..... it was 14 seconds before that :lol:
every anathema moment is perfect,in my humblest of opinions:rolleyes: each period is unique.and darren rules(actually ruled)although i could say that the silent enigma is me the end,i cannot quite decide which album is my favourite:confused:
and the thing about black metal anathema made laugh my head off!i would give a fortune to see Vinny,Danny,John(!)with corpse-paint or dressed-up like the Black Witchery guys :lol: :lol: :lol:
the spikes that Danny had in the Mine is yours vid ruled,tho;)