Silent Song said:
if by late you mean yesterday, you're wrong cause i was 5 minutes early. :Smug:

whats ironic about the "sheep" thing is, i wonder if you Moloch ever stopped to think that Christians are a minority among a huge percentage of people like you who blindly hate it because everybody else does.


Christians are the majority in the USA.
I do not blindly hate it, my family is christian, my mom sing sings the choir and my dad is the choir director :cry:
I've been all though church until like middle school/ high school when I realized how stupid it was.
Why should I believe in something I have never seen in action?

I don't want something someone prayed to happen as proof, I want to see this being, I want to feel their presence atleast
Too many things are too coincidental to say some higher power was involved.
Just believing is not enough.
I've never been one to assume things, I'm all about proof, and there is no proof god exists, that jesus performed any miracles, or even rose from the dead etc.
The bible fucking contradicts its self lol.
But none of that matters right? Still blindly believing in something, to try to give your life meaning?
Does it make you feel good giving money to the church?
Oh and while I like both death metal and black metal, black metal is heavier.
It's a different kind of heavy though.
It has a much bigger atmosphere, a dark one at that obviously.
Where as death metal can be just plain brutal, like nile.
Your points make sense, but the bible (the gospels in particular) was written by different people at different times with different audiences in mind and they just slapped all the works together in one book. John's gospel was written 70 or 90 years after Jesus died, do you really think he could give a first hand account of what was going on?

Don't knock religion, you'd be surprised at how powerful prayer can be. Even if there isn't a god, I've always found religious people to have a certain inner peace about them which is very respectable and admirable. Just as Islam has been marred by the fundamentalists in the middle east, Christianity has been given a bad name with televangelism quackery and those crazy priests who want to overtake the government. People like you who bash religion 24/7 give atheists a bad name. We're not all bible bashing hedonists, just look at the Dalai Lama.

Glad to see you ended your post back on topic ;)
I saw some Immortal video a while back and one of the guys was prancing through the forest wearing a witch hat. It was cheesetastic.
Moloch, i think if you took the time to understand what christianity is (cause you don't know, even simply from the statement that most americans are christian because they certainly are not, though many like to associate with the idea.) if you understood it better, you'd have an easier time either bashing it with real arguments or possibly finding something appealing in it.
Silent Song, that's also one of the other things that bugs me.
So called christians who obivously are not, that's one of my main problems, so many consider themselves be christian, yet they only are when they're at church, and go back to being an asshole every other day.
I certainly don't admire anyone who would blindly follow someone.

Beelzebub, what is this inner peace you speak of?
Perhaps you could give an example?

And it's good you brought up the bible, even if it was the word of god, thoughout the years, how much about has changed? People putting their own spin on certain things.
I certainly don't find anything appealing about religion, and never will, I have already walked the path, and left the path.
Maybe you could show me some of these christians who aren't retarded like most people I've seen are?
Anything good about religion is fucked by the middlemen involved.
Hey Moloch, just curious, how old are you?

Not only is it unfair to insinuate that all christians are "retarded" its also downright stupid, and this is coming from someone who is, as I like to say, an agnostic when Im having a good day, and an athiest when Im having a bad day ;).

To understand faith you have to NOT think in terms of things being exact and a science. The christians I meet who go to church, then go out, have premarital sex, smoke a fat doobie, find out the 7 eleven is out of sour cream and onion chips and exclaim "god dammit!" are better off than the ones who are so fucking backwards ass they believe every word in the bible and get flustered when they see the new Maxim magazine with that hot model exposing her cleavage.

The point is, religion should be taken as a series of SUGGESTIONS for how to live your life, not a doctrine. If a christian gets "don't kill people and don't be a judgemental prick" out of christianity and ignores the rest, whats the problem? I mean, no premarital sex? C'mon man, anyone who seriously abstains from premarital sex is just torturing themselves (and missing out ;) ). Its like the way you ignore stupid laws in town and state government. Don't tell me you go exactly or less than the speed limit on highways and don't tell me you've never jaywalked before.

I remember having a specific point when I started writing all this I'll post it anyway and see if anyone gets what I'm saying :p.
Moloch said:
Beelzebub, what is this inner peace you speak of?
Perhaps you could give an example?

And it's good you brought up the bible, even if it was the word of god, thoughout the years, how much about has changed? People putting their own spin on certain things.

I read someplace that cancer patients who pray and keep a positive attitude about their condition and are optimistic about their recovery tend to heal faster and live longer. I went to Catholic school, and it was just so different to see religious people who would say "when I die, I'll go to heaven" because they knew what their destiny was and where their lives were going, which is definitely more than what I can say because I don't even know what I'm doing 2 weeks from now much less when I die.

The people who wrote the bible wrote what was told to them from previous stories, as well as putting their own interpretation on things based on whom they were writing for. Luke wrote for women, so there were more stories on Mary Magdalene and Mary.

If this is a fake account then who am I talking to for real? :confused:
Beelzebub said:
I read someplace that cancer patients who pray and keep a positive attitude about their condition and are optimistic about their recovery tend to heal faster and live longer. I went to Catholic school, and it was just so different to see religious people who would say "when I die, I'll go to heaven" because they knew what their destiny was and where their lives were going, which is definitely more than what I can say because I don't even know what I'm doing 2 weeks from now much less when I die.

This has nothing to do with some actual deity answering someone's prayers though. Im sure lots of cancer patients or people with terminal illnesses pray VERY hard and then die. Whats it proving? Is god selective in whos prayers he answers? Its a placebo affect with some people...they feel positive about it so they have a chance of doing better than if they didn't.

Yea in a way, Im a little envious of those who can just place their faith and fate in some unseen force, cause maybe I wouldn't be such a cynical asshole about the world if I could do that myself :p
Yngvai X said:
This has nothing to do with some actual deity answering someone's prayers though. Im sure lots of cancer patients or people with terminal illnesses pray VERY hard and then die. Whats it proving? Is god selective in whos prayers he answers? Its a placebo affect with some people...they feel positive about it so they have a chance of doing better than if they didn't.

Yea in a way, Im a little envious of those who can just place their faith and fate in some unseen force, cause maybe I wouldn't be such a cynical asshole about the world if I could do that myself :p

I didn't say it did, and you pretty much articulated the point I was trying to make in a better manner.
@beezlebub, hey I like your new avatar, the pictures clearer now.

this disscussion is getting way to deep for my taste so dont expect any inteligent input from me..........................sorry!!!! :wave:
Beelzebub said:
I read someplace that cancer patients who pray and keep a positive attitude about their condition and are optimistic about their recovery tend to heal faster and live longer. I went to Catholic school, and it was just so different to see religious people who would say "when I die, I'll go to heaven" because they knew what their destiny was and where their lives were going, which is definitely more than what I can say because I don't even know what I'm doing 2 weeks from now much less when I die.

The people who wrote the bible wrote what was told to them from previous stories, as well as putting their own interpretation on things based on whom they were writing for. Luke wrote for women, so there were more stories on Mary Magdalene and Mary.

If this is a fake account then who am I talking to for real? :confused:
Well duh, it gives them hope.
This isn't a fake account.
I just usally stick to the in flames and opeth forums.
I've definitely heard and considered the placebo effect, and no doubt that's playing into it in part when people are actively praying for themselves or KNOW somebody's praying for them...

...but I have heard of cases where people were NOT aware they were being prayed for, and being more likely to do better than those who weren't being prayed for. I'd have to find the actual study, though, because I've never seen it for myself.

Another point about answering of prayers...if one takes a Christian perspective and feels that death is not to be feared, then the fact that not everybody recovers from a disease (if we're going to stick with that example) need not be seen as a sign of divine apathy. This is my personal view, but I think that sometimes for a person to be taken into the afterlife instead of continuing may be the best course, if their purpose in life is completed. And sometimes the death has effects on the living as well that perhaps have to be taken into account as well. I'm having a very hard time explaining...I understand this a lot better than my words would indicate. Sorry for the difficulties! :(
Ok i have let this discussion continue long enough without any of my input.

I usually don't discuss religion because I believe that it is something very personal, like music. However, I do get agitated when people blindly bash religions. Calling a christian "retarded" is proof of your ignorance. Calling any person of any faith "retarded" is proof, actually. I know many people who are Chrisitians and they are really nice people to be around. One of my high school english professors was a devout Catholic. I can honestly say that I have never met a man more intelligent than him. In fact, there were many geniuses who were devout Christians, such as Dante and Newton.

However, I dislike people who profess thier faith onto others. People who walk around with crosses, and bumper stickers that say "jesus loves you" and crap like that. If you "found Jesus" then i am happy for you, seriously. If you think ataining Nirvana is the ultimate goal in life, then I would hate it if I impeded your journey. If you don't believe in any diving beings, than good for you as long as you are virtous to others, yourself, and the world.

(by the way Beelzebub, I like your new avatar. Your boyfriend is one lucky guy)
Anyone who fears death is a coward.
I do not fear death, I am looking forward to it.
Even if I'm wrong.
I dont really think all christians (or religous people) are retarded, just enough are so it makes them look bad.
Yngvai X said:
ahahahahahaha dude, do you realize how fucking stupid that sounds? Go run into the middle of a highway if you're looking foward to it so much, you'll find it comes rather quickly.
You misinterpreted me tard.
I dont want to die before my time, I just find it fascinating.
Moloch said:
Well duh, it gives them hope.

What's wrong with that?

Moloch said:
Anyone who fears death is a coward.
I do not fear death, I am looking forward to it.
Even if I'm wrong.
I dont really think all christians (or religous people) are retarded, just enough are so it makes them look bad.

I guess misinterpreting "I am looking forward to [death]" was easier than I thought. If you're fascinated with dying you'll be a bit disappionted. I'm sure that once you die you won't feel a thing. And I'm definitely sure that your internal tard-o-meter needs some adjusting.

wayne the goblin/robot said:
@beezlebub, hey I like your new avatar, the pictures clearer now.
Thanks :)

soundgarden said:
(by the way Beelzebub, I like your new avatar. Your boyfriend is one lucky guy)

Stop hitting on me.
soundgarden said:
However, I dislike people who profess thier faith onto others. People who walk around with crosses, and bumper stickers that say "jesus loves you" and crap like that. If you "found Jesus" then i am happy for you, seriously. If you think ataining Nirvana is the ultimate goal in life, then I would hate it if I impeded your journey. If you don't believe in any diving beings, than good for you as long as you are virtous to others, yourself, and the world.

I think it depends on what a person's motivation is for mentioning/demonstrating their faith is. I mean, let's say somebody asked me what my faith was. I wouldn't care to lie.

Oh...and speaking of people who wear might recognize this guy... :p ;)
