Black Metal = Emo ?!


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
This thought just popped into my brain....

So a lot of real hardcore Black Metal fans cut themselves up, same as emo's.
Hardcore Black Metal fans have a dress code "Black Only" do emo's...

So now I'm thinking... WTF?
How's this suddenly happening...
Was no one seeing this coming? This is a sad day for metal to me...
We'll probally be in big shit once the Emo & BM unite....or not..they might arrange a massive suicide convention..
Black Metal is nothing like Emo!

Yes they wear black and wear make-up, but you'll never see a Black Metal fan wearing those red and black striped stockings!

I could type an enormous post right now but I really couldn't be bothered. :lol:
Hmm - both have kids who dress all in black and hang out in their rooms all day blasting their music after fighting with their parents. Both have dangerously sucidial girls who are far too obsorbed in the fashion trend of the genre.

I still say the "trend" is just a cheap rip off of goth kids from the 80s.