Black metal vocal techniques


Oct 1, 2002
Louisiana, USA
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Well I think I've finally decided to try and learn how to do some vocals. I really can't sing worth a shit, so maybe I'll just do some black metal screaming vocals. Can anyone give me any pointers on how to do high pitched screaming like in black metal? I find that when I try it, I scream my head off which sounds like a girly scream, and it makes me start coughing very badly and I get a head rush, my whole face turns red. I don't see how people can scream with that much distortion in their vocals for such a long period of time, I can't do it at all. So, can anyone give me any pointers?
it's a breathing tech plus using your stomach muscles to exhale the air the right way into your vocal chords ... now there are 2 ways to do it ,
Fake voice , and real voice ... fake voice where you end up making it sound like a full on scream but using the notes in your chords where you don't really scream with full blown air if you know what i mean .....
Full voice when you are actually screaming your lungs out in a way to get the notes you want ,,,

when you use a combenation of both you can acheave so much ..... but most of true vocals use real voice , wich is hard , but you gotta practice alot ...
i'm doing a black metal project "aside from my band and the other project in wich i'm only playing guitar and writing the songs" but in this one i'm singing and playing .... now to do this i had to develop the style in wich i wanted to use , it's a combention between many styles , but mainly black vocals ..
my chords are ok with lower full voice , but higher notes i had to combine at the best of times and use a fake voice at the worst of them , why ??? cause i'm still crap lol .... but it's not that bad lol , well not when you are on a mic .lol
look at chucky "death" , his vocals were actually full voice , and you couldn't tell with his expression cause he's so used to it , it's amazing ....
while look at Dani Filth , his expression actually changes alot ... same goes for emperror and other bands ......
don't know if this is of any help at all ... but yeah ... remember to never compress the notes , if you have to scream loud to get the note , always grap a deep breath and learn to controle it using your stomach muscles ... ask a singing teacher , or someone you know close who's doing it for more details if you still need more answers ... but yeah as far as i know this is one of the ways lol ...
close to doing power metal "happy vocals lol" , where hitting open high notes needs a good open voice not fake cause it's way to exposed lol ...

cheers ;)
Yeah, I find timing to be the hardest thing. I can growl fine and all but it takes alot of effort to get things timed to the music properly. I tend to growl to long or something. :(
How the hell do you use your belly to eject air? There are two different passageways, one for food and drink, the other for breathing. I know there are different voices you can do, but I only know to use one. Could you explain me?
It's all to do with practice.

And some people are just born with the right structure to do it.

I would tell you my black metal vocal technique but it's restricted to me and the local metal scene...
I have found that being pissed off really helps. No... SERIOUSLY! Try it. I usually suck at black metal vocals - but boy if I'm pissed off I can project an absolutely terrifying, bloodcurling growl. You'd think someone was being killed. :lol: