Black metal

I agree with those saying that Katatonia have never been a black metal band. I'm not really into BM. The only BM album I really love is Ulver - Bergtatt.
Erik said:
Hey guys

You know what? Jhva Elohim Meth is a black metal tape no matter what you say ;(

Man you must listen to trully black metal like Darkthrone , Immortal , old Bathory, old Cradle of filth and many other bands to understand what black metal means.

I wrote it and before as well, the first Katatonia albums is death,doom and the new doom !
there's a lot of good german vlack metal nowadays. jus get your hand on these releses:

Lunar Aurora - Elixir Of Sorrow
Lunar Aurora - Zyklus
Secrets Of The Moon - Carved In Stigmata Wounds
Nocte Obducta - Nektar part 1 & 2

...its incredible how these 3 band lift up the level of black metal musicianship. check them out, it's woth.
well, besides that, i like the latest Taake, Shining and Nortt releases. that's what makes bm for me.
I am a fan of CoF and i like all their albums but after Cruelty And The Beast album i think they change their style a bit but i like them even that
Hypnos said:
there's a lot of good german vlack metal nowadays. jus get your hand on these releses:

Lunar Aurora - Elixir Of Sorrow
Lunar Aurora - Zyklus
Secrets Of The Moon - Carved In Stigmata Wounds
Nocte Obducta - Nektar part 1 & 2

...its incredible how these 3 band lift up the level of black metal musicianship. check them out, it's woth.
well, besides that, i like the latest Taake, Shining and Nortt releases. that's what makes bm for me.

There is a black metal from germany that i like very much ,is Agathodaimon try it and maybe you like it
norghash said:
"i raise my fist to the sky
swear the ancient oath of black
the lambs shall bleed
eternally bleed
god is dead and shall forever be"

which of course leads you to the question.....what makes something blackmetal????? it the music.... or the lyrics......jesus christ......katatonia has never affiliated themselves with blackmetal in any I dont know why this argument continues.......I urge anyone who gives a shit enough about this shit(I dont) to google any old katatonia enterview and find them saying that they were blackmetal.......I dont think they have ever really categorized themselves except for in general I say google on dummies.... :wave:
Deliverance6 said:
which of course leads you to the question.....what makes something blackmetal????? it the music.... or the lyrics......jesus christ......katatonia has never affiliated themselves with blackmetal in any I dont know why this argument continues.......I urge anyone who gives a shit enough about this shit(I dont) to google any old katatonia enterview and find them saying that they were blackmetal.......I dont think they have ever really categorized themselves except for in general I say google on dummies.... :wave:

Brave Child said:
Man you must listen to trully black metal like Darkthrone , Immortal , old Bathory, old Cradle of filth and many other bands to understand what black metal means.

I wrote it and before as well, the first Katatonia albums is death,doom and the new doom !
I know VERY WELL what black metal is. Cradle of Filth is not, and never was black metal. Immortal was only black metal on the first LP. Katatonia's first EP was black metal. None of their other output was. You can attempt to argue this fact, but it will only make you look stupid. Cheers
You have a wrong idea of black metal.
Cradle of Filth have been somewhat black metallish on the first albums, or at least heavily influenced.
Your comment on Immortal is almost ridiculous, almost everything (if not just everything) released by them was black metal, yes. Maybe not the most conventional black metal, but still black metal for sure.
And you know my thoughts on the first Katatonia EP.