black metal

Martin Lopez could play Venom drum parts with his dick and it would sound good !

Venom music sound like trisomic retards trying to play bad pseudo hard rock/ metal Motorhead !

I am saying that Venom music meant nothing : every black metal band took from them their image, lyrical content ( Satan every two verses) and bad playing and production values ( to be tr00est than the tr00 !!) which created a cult that I simply don't agree with (even Mikael wears Venom shirts, the album sleeves were cool I give you that).
I completely understand kids that are 15 that identify with this imagery but their music is close to anti matter for me.

Bathory now that is a band ( well Quorton was the band) that added something to the metal equation and was revolutionnary musically speaking.
Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Emperor, Ildjarn, Enochian Crescent, Gorgoroth, Satyricon, Melechesh, Absu, Bathory, Tormentor, Graveland, Absurd, 1349, Carpathian Forest, Nattefrost, Dodheimsgard, Old Man's Child, Ragnarok, Grand Belial's Key etc etc etc

But of course, Mercyful Fate is my favorite band. They are black metal, they are just from the first wave.

Venom is a great band. Sure they are not really too skilled or anything, but they are fun and campy. That's the point of the band. Bang your head, have a beer and have a good time.
well I for one feel that blacks can play heavy metal if they want. look at god forbid because they have black members and they can still use those black members to pound their fans. With a metal assualt! yes!