black metal

How does the guy that plays Seth Cohen actually bag that girl that plays Summer (I think they actually date in real life)
Look to be honest i listened to a bit of Moonsorrow, they're not bad by any means, but most bands aren't, most bands are just plain average, and sadly that's what Moonsorrow are if simply can't find anything in their music that draws me in.

It's my porogative but that's just the way the cookie crumbles for Powers.

Venom > Moonsorrow, by a long shot.
Negura Bunget - 'n crugu bradului ... a "MUST HAVE" for every black metal fan out there!

Moonsorrow are essential, too, though I'm not sure whether I'd label them black metal...
Death_To_False_Metal said:
Speaking of Black Metal, has anyone seen a Headbanger's Journey, the documentary ?

It has two fuckin legendary Black Metal interviews.

The first one is a Mayhem interview with the singer completely loaded saying that Mayhem annihilates everything regarding metal and that fuck this fuck that if you don't agree with me bullshit with a nice norwegian accent !
Funny and Pathetic !

But the best one is from the Tr00est black metal frontman on earth I give you the man the myth : the Gorgoroth frontman ( name ?)

This guy deserves an academy award seriously !

At the question : What inspires you the most ?

Posing like a misanthropist philosopher from Wal Mart in a gloomy cave with candles ( great atmosphere !), he drinks a lap of his wine, makes a pose and then fixing the interviewer like a serial killer he answers :


Either this guy is a fuckin' lunatic or a great actor !

Classic !

Actually, I read an interview with King, the bassist of Gorgoroth, and he said that the government of Norway has actually classified Gaahl, the singer, as mentally insane.

I like Viking Metal but not Moonsorrow, they fail.

good viking metal = Enslaved's "Eld" album and a plethora of Bathory Albums.
moonlapse_vertigo said:
Actually, I read an interview with King, the bassist of Gorgoroth, and he said that the government of Norway has actually classified Gaahl, the singer, as mentally insane... opposed to cardiologically or renally insane I presume. :)