Black Metal


I died at Bodominjarvi
May 17, 2002
Los Angeles
I'm a huge death, speed metal and power metal fan, and I'm trying to get more into black metal. I listen to a lot of Dimmu Borgir. I was wondering if anyone could recomend some really good black metal bands. Thanks.
Not sure if this really counts, but I'm a big Arcturus fan, so I figured I'd suggest their first album. It's not entirely traditional as Black Metal goes, but I guess that's what you'd classify it as. I've heard a lot about Emperor, but I haven't really had the time to check it out. In any case, I guess I'm not really qualified to answer your question, hehe :)
Originally posted by Svartalf Öpsy
Yes yes, Emperor is GOOD;)

i don't have any Emperor cd:cry:

You don't have any Emperor CD!?

then get the DVD!! the volume is low, but the quality is high. It's worth the money!!!!!!! Lord of The Rings Lover!!!!!
When it doesn't hurt to listen to it, it can't be true. :headbang:

Hah, seriously now ;)

I'm not that much into BM, but even my aunt liked Dimmu when I played it to her, so the one who entitled Dimmu "Living-room Black Metal" sometime was quite right ;)
OK my aunt is really open-minded but nonetheless she's 45 and not into Metal at all. :rolleyes:
My uncle is 50 and I torture him very often with some extreme stuff. But he thinks that Dimmu Borgir can write good music but he hates the screams. The same goes for In Flames and Children Of Bodom.
Once I showed him the MayheM gig on the Mystic Festival DVD. He says that it would be totally sick when the singer Maniac cuts his arms with a knife and the blood flows. I guess he is just too old for this.
Originally posted by Svartalf Öpsy
TAPANI KANSA:lol: :lol: :lol:

yeah... real underground Black Metal band...:D:headbang:

hmm... I have read Lord Of The Rings 17 times... and the Hobbit about 10 times...:)
+Whole Dragonlance series...:)
my favorite black metal bands are
Mayhem, Darkthrone, Dimmu Borgir, Dark Funeral, and Marduk

these are just a few though
was ulver already mentioned? his older stuff really kicks ass...

also try hecate enthroned, if you're more into the melodic stuff