
Originally posted by markgugs
I'm no Swedish black metal expert, but I've found that Dawn reminded me very much of the 'feel' of Dissection.

Yes... they're the first band that I think of when someone asks about similar acts to Dissection...
Any fan of Dissection should investigate this Swedish act...

Someone asked about specific song titles:

Diabolical Beauty
The Knell and the World
Sorrow Files on Black Wings
The Aphelion Desert

All great songs worth checking out!!
Originally posted by Somberlain
Unfortunately nothing comes close...Maybe Soulreaper and early At the Gates..
Soulreaper may have 2 former Dissection members in their ranks but their music doesn't sound like Dissection at all, it's pure Morbid Angel worship!

A band that sounds kinda similar to Dissection is UNANIMATED, also from Sweden. They don't exist anymore, but they released 2 CD's on No Fashion records "In The Forest Of The Dreaming Dead" and "Ancient God Of Evil", especially the last one is excellent and has close similarities to Dissection, though the magic of The Somberlain shall never be matched of course...

Also Sentenced's 2nd album "North From Here" might fit a Dissection fan's taste, it's a great album of technical melodic Death Metal with cold "northern" atmospheres.
o yeah! UNANIMATED is very good stuff for DISSECTION fan:D and for DISMEMBER, MERCILESS, ENTOMBED fan, because on bass played Richard Cabeza and on drums Peter Stjarnvind :D
Check out the last Obtained Enslavement album "The Shepherd and the Hounds of Hell" it reminds me a lot to Dissection, awesome guitar and drum playing.

yeah... Obtained Enslavement is fucking great band (i hope they don't split up?), but they don't reminds to Dissection
Unfortunately Obtained Enslavement has split up, check it out in the replies from Pest and T. Reaper in the Napalm Records Message Board.