
Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
As many know the album has been streaming today, and so one way or another it has been able to be listened and reviewed.

  1. the brand name (Black Sabbath!!!)
  2. the world renamed producer (aka the sound spoiler)
  3. the money behind the project (Sharon)
  4. the expectation
the album is barely better than "Forbidden" (which basically 85% albums out there are), very subpar, and easily forgettable in a couple of months against many other CDs coming out this year.


  1. Iommi has recently being treated for cancer
  2. Ozzy is brain dead
  3. Geezer probably miss Vinnie Appice and his own projects
  4. the drummer is a nobody lucky enough to be called to play in a brand name band
  5. the line up hasn't made anything valuable together since 1978
is a very decent effort, with some nice nods to the past sound, with many good guitar passages, an acceptable vocal work, and an overall feeling this could have worked as a Black Sabbath Mk.1 (or so) album in the 80's (supposing Dio never joined the band).

My final judgement: for hard fans exclusively and for completist wackos (like me). Casual listeners and fans of good doom may skip it without remorse.
As Rolando said, it's decent, but it would be one of the weaker Sabbath albums with Ozzy on it (read: post-75). Whatever your thoughts on God is Dead will likely translate to the album as a whole. It's a good representation of the entire work.
Hello Wyvern

Im new here and noticed your post, just wanted to mention that I agree with what you said, its a good effort. I am a Sabbath fan as well and have been listening to Graveyard Hisingen Blues recently the instrumentals and vocals are solid some of the best I have heard since back in the day. Im sure u have probably heard of them and wanted to know what you think looks like u are a regular here and have too many posts to look through to see if u have posted anything about these guys.

Slightly exceeded my expectations, but probably sits somewhere in the lowest quarter of the Sabbath catalog.

From what I've heard, imminent releases by Queensryche and Oliva are much more to my taste than this, although as the bell tolls and the rain falls at the end it really does seem to mark the end of an era.
Hello Wyvern

Im new here and noticed your post, just wanted to mention that I agree with what you said, its a good effort. I am a Sabbath fan as well and have been listening to Graveyard Hisingen Blues recently the instrumentals and vocals are solid some of the best I have heard since back in the day. Im sure u have probably heard of them and wanted to know what you think looks like u are a regular here and have too many posts to look through to see if u have posted anything about these guys.


Hi Josh welcome to the forum.

No, I never heard of the band, I'll check later.

As M-KD2 posted the effort exceeded a bit my expectations (that were pretty low), and indeed is on the lowest part of the Sabbath catalog.

BTW, has also leaked so for those who couldn't listened in streaming it is already available for download.
Hey Thanks Wyvern

Have u had a chance to check those guys out?

A couple of songs in YouTube. Not bad, very 70's based retro rock.

I may look forward into them. Right now I have a ton of new music I'm sorting out, not to mention some CDs coming my way.

Somehow it doesn't surprise me they're from Sweden :D

P.S I downloaded "Lights Out" and it's a damn good hard rock 70's spiced album. Gonna order it soon. Thanks for the heads up on the band! :wave:
Waiting until I get the actual CD in hand to listen to it, so that I can properly experience it.
First spin review - I'm enjoying the new album. Consistent set of songs... no real standouts, but no stinkers either. More enjoyable than the last two BS/Ozzy albums (Tech Ecstasy & Never Say Die). Seems to be on par with the Heaven & Hell album.
Picked it up today, along with a Reunion DVD from 2005 with Bill Ward. Album is great. Ozzy sounds wicked, Iommi's guitar work is impressive. Most of the lyrics written by Geezer Butler, music too, heard that in a radio interview today, but the bass lines are really punchy, I like it. Some good bluesy parts in it, mostly the same old school doom driven sound though...seems slightly heavier on 13. Really liking the third track "Loner" and another one called "Damaged Soul". Also, I love Technical Ecstasy, and Never Say Die. Great underrated Sabbath albums, sure they flopped but they have some wicked tracks too.
I have no idea how anyone who likes Sabbath cannot dig 13. I like it better than vol 4 and although it doesn't have a lot of what I would call there best tracks its one of their most consistent albums and contains no pointless filler. A lot of people already decide to hate the album before hearing the music which I think is pathetic. Nothing wrong with the album at all just some songs like God is dead take getting used to but its still miles ahead of Metallicas newest release Lulu with Lou Reed. Black Sabbath are the embodiment of metal music and 13 was in no way a disappointing comeback. I hope they'll stay together long enough to make another album or two but I'm worried about Iommis cancer. We could be losing heavy metals father real soon.
Life is full of unknowns...:heh:

No I really don't get why you guys dislike it. I think it takes getting used to but pretty solid especially compare to Metallicas new material. Now Lulu was a total waste of time, but 13 is pretty sweet even though it suffers production, has an inferior drummer, and Ozzys voice isn't as good as it used to be but hey songwriting in it is pretty swell. Public opinion is pretty mixed at the moment but I think opinion of the album will grow more positive overtime.
Picked it up today, along with a Reunion DVD from 2005 with Bill Ward. Album is great. Ozzy sounds wicked, Iommi's guitar work is impressive. Most of the lyrics written by Geezer Butler, music too, heard that in a radio interview today, but the bass lines are really punchy, I like it. Some good bluesy parts in it, mostly the same old school doom driven sound though...seems slightly heavier on 13. Really liking the third track "Loner" and another one called "Damaged Soul". Also, I love Technical Ecstasy, and Never Say Die. Great underrated Sabbath albums, sure they flopped but they have some wicked tracks too.

When bands have the guts to try different things people cry like bitches. I heard Metallica fans were bitching about Fade to black do to its use of acustic guitar but hell that was by far the best thing those amateur snobs ever put out. Never say die is not as good as Paranoid or Sabotage but its still pretty solid considering the band was on the end of their rope at the time. Certainly it was miles ahead of what Ac/dc and Kiss were putting out.
Certainly it was miles ahead of what Ac/dc and Kiss were putting out.

Now I adore Sabbath, and Never Say Die is a very good album, but it came out within a year of both Alive II and Highway to Hell, so "miles ahead" might be a bit of an oversell. Just sayin'.
Now I adore Sabbath, and Never Say Die is a very good album, but it came out within a year of both Alive II and Highway to Hell, so "miles ahead" might be a bit of an oversell. Just sayin'.

I really just don't care for Ac/dc and Kiss to be honest. I haven't listened to those albums so I might be speaking out of my ass but I was comparing it to the stuff I here from them on the radio. I don't really care for straight forward stadium rock it doesn't interest me in the least. Either way Never say die was a good album even if not the bands best. I at least wasn't disappointed.