Blackstar HT-5 or Jet City JCA20H

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
Which do you think would be better for bedroom recording? Why?

Volume levels aren't really THAT big of an issue as I'm pretty sure neither of these amp's sweet spot is as loud as a 5150's or Dual Rec would be.

I've heard lots of great stuff about both. I have also heard that the JCA lacks in the low-end department. The Jet City seems to have more of a 'truer' tube signal as opposed to the Blackstar, but I don't know how much that would really matter.

Also, I apologize if this has already been discussed. A quick google search did not throw any results.

I have a feeling they both lack in the low-end department, I think that's a pretty common issue with low wattage amps. At least my HT-5 has nowhere enough low-end for my needs, I can't say that it's a ballsy amp really. I bet you could get some sweet tones out of both of those amps though (especially for recording when you don't really need that much low-end because of the bass). I've heard some really good tones out of both amps, so I think anyone of them would suit your needs. I'd personally go for the JCA20H though, mainly because I just think 5 watts is a bit too little. If you're interested, I think this is the best tone I've gotten from my HT-5 so far:
There's some really good clips of both amps on this site, you should totally check it out.
The JCA doesn't lack in the lowend at all, with the right cab.

Personally, I'd go for the JCA, it can get pretty heavy with a boost and is much clearer and more organic than the HT-5 could ever hope to be. Plus, it's loud enough to play with other people, should you ever need it for that purpose.
Can't speak for the Blackstar but I'm with Jarkko on this one - I have the JCA20H with the 1x12 cab and it sounds great - doesn't really lack low end but I just swapped the stock Eminence cab with a G12-75 Celestion and there are no low end issues at all now.
The JCA20H gives you way more options too - get it but swap out the stock tubes with higher gain 12AX7's and JJEL84's, change the stock speaker and you are good to go.
Plus these amps were made for modding - mine is going in for some mods at the end of the month!!!
I have a feeling they both lack in the low-end department, I think that's a pretty common issue with low wattage amps. At least my HT-5 has nowhere enough low-end for my needs, I can't say that it's a ballsy amp really. I bet you could get some sweet tones out of both of those amps though (especially for recording when you don't really need that much low-end because of the bass). I've heard some really good tones out of both amps, so I think anyone of them would suit your needs. I'd personally go for the JCA20H though, mainly because I just think 5 watts is a bit too little. If you're interested, I think this is the best tone I've gotten from my HT-5 so far:
There's some really good clips of both amps on this site, you should totally check it out.
Sounds great, man! What speaker and mic is this thru? Or is it being run thru impulses or something?

Didn't we discuss this on FB already, or am I confusing it with someone else? :) Nevertheless, with a good cab, the JCA doesn't lack low end. With a 1x12, yeah, sure, but so does every other amp :)
No, yeah, that was me. :)

I guess I'm just overthinking it a little, I tend to to that. :(

People post lots of great reviews on those blackstars, so I was wondering how the JCA stacked against the HT-5 which is around the same price range. Seeing I don't really need a clean channel, I'm thinking the JCA would be the amp to get.
The store I work in is picking up the Blackstar line. When the rep brought several models in, being the resident high gain guy, I got to check quite a few out. They're definitely very cool for the money. I'm picking up an HT-5 combo as soon as they arrive. Through a good cabinet it sounds pretty beastly.