

Long Live =^.^=
Mar 5, 2005
Southeast Idaho
At the risk of being "flamed" :erk: I wanted to bring out an observation that I have made.

I have noticed on this board there are few who have little if any apprectiation for W.A.S.P. on the other side of the coin, although, I also have noticed that there are many who have high regard for Tad Morose.

If anyone happens to own a WASP CD with the song "L.O.V.E Machine" and the Tad Morose - Modus Vivendi CD 2nd track: "No Mercy", please compare the two.

I have listened to WASP for many years and when I heard Tad Morose's "No Mercy" just a few weeks ago my first impression was that it was very much like WASP's "L.O.V.E. Machine" song.

Other than the blasphemous ;) comparison of the two bands, what is your opinion comparing the two songs?
Remember the WASP song from my "youth", never heard the TM one. But I had found situations like that, so it won't surprise me.
Sometimes a melody get stuck in your subconscious mind and then you go and!

Check for example Pink Floyd "One Of These Days" first bars and then Black Sabbath "Children Of The Grave" (btw BS came before PF)
tad morose is such a kick ass band, and no mercy is a kick ass track! (hence my name)

now about the songs sounding similar, i dont know cos i have no heard "love machine." however if they happen to sound alike in a part or two, its completely natural. i mean if you think about it, its pretty much impossible now to be in a succesfull band these days and not have material that reminds you of older material. i also know TM well, and i can say on their behalf theyd never ever try to steal something to try to make a "spin-off" of something.

i will admit i have heard maybe 1 WASP song, but didnt really pay attention. so i really dont have a view on that band.

//greg :headbang:
* stands up and clears throat*

Hi im Luke, Im a 22 year old Libra that loves Wasp and when Blackie waved at me at their show In Albuquerque i thought I could die at that moment. I was also drunk which is the meeting Im attending next. Thank you and I hope to express my Wasp experiences with everyone else..... * bursts into tears and sits down*

Their first album kicks major ass.
IMO the 2 songs have nothing in common ... but thats just me I LOVE W.A.S.P. I just dont love Blackies recent problems yaknow the whole mic stand thing ... and I LOVE TAD MOROSE but when I listen to them I really dont hear any wasp I hear far more Metal Church, Tony Martin Sabbath and Savatage
The 2 songs have similarities from what I remember... But I'm not sure if they're that similar though, I'll have to check that.

*gets a new opportunity to blast some Tad Morose tonight*
I own The Last Command and Neon God Part 2... WASP is a good band... just never got too much into them
WASP was a huge band when i was in my teens. As some point, their production got real thin and didn't sound as beefy as the old stuff. I started to not be so interested around the time "Unholy Terror" came out .... do you guys agree about the production values? At some point after "Inside the Electric Circus" all the bass got sucked out of the mix.................
I like W.A.S.P. just fine. Blackie's a bit of an ass sometimes but whatchagonnado?

I've thought that the opening to TM's "Ethereal Soul" sounded really Tesla-ish. I cannot find the song that it reminds me of though. And then on the chorus to "No Tears in the Rain" there's an "I...I...I" part that reminds me of "I" from Black Sabbath's "Dehumanizer". I don't really hear the similarities that you're talking about and I'd bet there's a lot of people that won't hear the ones I listed.