Bleu Cheese hamburgers!

well, the pizza does look pretty good, i think i'd prefer the burger to be a little more fine grained and perhaps some more mozzarella...

also, i can't pinpoint it..but something sounds a tad suspect with your mayo sauce....i think it could be improved upon...i dunno, i'll get back to you on that.
My original thought was to make larger hamburger chunks to be closer to eating an actual burger, but as I started cooking I didn't like the way that was turning out so chopped them up a bit more. If I did it again I'd make them even finer as you suggest.

I skimped on the mozz because I wanted the focus to be on the bleu cheese... but to be honest that pre-shredded low-moisture mozz has so little taste to it anyway that I might as well cover the whole thing with it, purely for the visual factor.

I'm not sold on the look at all, the presentation is lacking. I was thinking about a flourish of BBQ, to closer emulate the Red Robin Bleu Ribbon, but in my taste testing with the BBQ it didn't go over so well. Even a little BBQ covered up the chipotle mayo, since I wanted that to be a flavor highlight. And I use BBQ so much as the main sauce on all my other pizza creations, I wanted something different for a change.

As for the mayo, it was the quick simple chipotle tabasco + mayo, but here I think it would be worth it to dice some chipotles in adobo. I had to add way too much of the tabasco to bring the flavor out on the larger scale, and it caused the mayo to turn into a soupy mess. The fresh chipotles and the addition of the adobo sauce would drastically add more flavor, and zing!

So in conclusion, it's a work in progress, and I'm still pondering that one extra topping that will add some color.
Actually, that just gave me the idea to use CHIPOTLE PEPPERS themselves as a topping. Of course I'd still dice a few to use in the sauce, but the main mixture would be mayo + adobo.

HMMMM *ponders*