Bleu Cheese hamburgers!

As for the mayo, it was the quick simple chipotle tabasco + mayo, but here I think it would be worth it to dice some chipotles in adobo. ...The fresh chipotles and the addition of the adobo sauce would drastically add more flavor, and zing!
Please do this and let me know, I'd be interested in trying that myself.
For comparison's sake, I've made chipotle sour cream for Fish Tacos. I've tried it both ways, chipotles with adobo mixed with sour cream, and tabasco chipotle mixed with sour cream. On a small scale, mixed in food, the flavors are nearly indistinguishable, and the tabasco route saves the effort of having to dice the peppers, and so forth. Same thing with the burger, it's only one of many flavors so it makes a great quick spread using the tabasco.

My theory is that here, on a larger scale, it will aid in the greater cause of sauce flavor embiggening.
so I realized the biggest problem with the look of my last pizza can be attributed to my sarding.

I made a little one today (except I had no more hamburger D: ) and took care to make it look more like a pizza should :p

i still haven't come up with anything for that sauce....doesn't the vinegar in the tabasco clash with everything else? i've never had the chipotle tabasco so it could be less vinegary...

HOWEVER, i did come up with something fucking awesome....david was talking to me about using chimay as a marinade, i just couldn't fucking cope with the idea of using such a pricey brew as a marinade and then discarding it. so i was thinking of a way to use chimay with food. it does pair well with beef. and is used sometimes in beer/beef stews. and also paired with tangy cheeses like roqufort. and then it smacked me in the face last night....since the tangy cheese and chimay is a sexy may be good with blue cheese (probably is)

chimay grand reserve + this pizza could be about the best fucking pizza and beer combination EVER.

*proud grin*
It would work with a stronger bleu, like he and I used. But the bleu was too strong for the pizza so I'm getting a milder one next time. It still might work.
It is, trust me. I've guessed how it'll taste with a mild blue like he used (Danish is too strong, but still good) and it will be AWESOME.