Blood Alliance promo interviews


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
I thought it would be cool to keep you guys up to date with interviews we are undertaking for Blood Alliance.

As in the past I will be posting links to online interviews when they become available but there will also be a number of telephone interviews for magazines as well as ones done by email.

This week I've got the pleasure of interviews with

Powerplay magazine (UK)
Rock Tribune magazine (Belgium)
Loud magazine (Portugal)

I'm not exactly sure when these will be published but I would imagine April would be a good shout on that one.

Already completed interviews for

Hard Rock Magazine (France)
Rebirth Era Webzine (Thailand)
MetalHeadz website (UK)
Exciting stuff! I'd love to read them when they come out.
lol thought I'd sit down and read that before heading into work this morning...guess I won't :p Google translate won't make much sense of it for me either. Shame :p

Edit: oh whoops! English version below the thai one *facepalm*
Hey Steve, tell me, do you have any interview of you in a video uploaded on YouTube or something? I'd actually prefer to watch that shit than read it.