Blood Meridian

The Grand Wazoo said:
What am I doing there? :p
he's waiting for you to come back. totally inconsolable, i'm telling you. we tried making him drink, having him meet other girls, even at some point shooting him in the foot with a rifle commonly used to put white elephants to sleep: nothing. he only wants wazoo. ;)
A Dimmie is teh you! :-o

*suspicious* :err:
Who is this DeepInMisery guy?
(:waah: Hast thou forgotten me?)

A Dimmie is a male version of the younger Wazoo, I spose :p
Ah well. Maybe just a male version of the Wazoo, but Swedish ;)
oh, but that´s not only recent, really... :grin:
I just never saw kmfdm even mentioned and now we got people on crusades and stuff... :hypno:
If you like heavy metal from Gothenburg you might want to check out Destiny. They're heavy, they're hard, they're somewhat progressive and they're from Gothenburg. Their latest album has just been released - Future of the Pain.

Check out this home page:

They're not as good as DT but they are a great band and this is their best album so far. By the way, they're Swedens oldest metal band still alive.
I heard them the first time about 12 years ago, when the video clip for "The evil trinity" was shown on swedish tv. I remember it being a very good song. I will try to check out the new album "Future of the PAST".
ok, hearse told me to post my song here, so if anyone is interested check out a new song i've done :) And if anyone has complaints...... blame hearse ;)

It's fairly atmospheric, proggy.. builds up to a bit of metal at some point! Just a solo project i'm working on, home recorded and so on and so forth. I appreciate any opinions anyone wants to give, good or bad!

Go HERE and the song is linked from the first news item :) It's called "Discovery" and is 9.5mb long. Thanks!
hearse just wanted to keep the privilege of posting his own thread for thales new songs to himself, so he directed you to the general dumping place where i merge 3,000 spam threads from n00bs. :tickled:
but if you ever feel like it, you're allowed your own too, don't let the finn fool you. ;)
you're a kind man rahvin, but i'll stick to this thread for the moment :p it's easier to cope with no responses when there's not a big empty thread staring you in the face!! hehe