Blood Meridian

thanks people!

i think it is pretty obvious that Opeth are a big influence. They were far and away my favourite band when i really started being serious about writing music. Inevitably i picked up a lot of stuff from them i guess :p
Our band's, Knorwood, new EP is finally released after a long wait. Damn, it feels good, lots of crazy moments. In short, we had a crazy time, and the studio manager looked like Michael Angelo, the Ninja Turtle. Hes the man. We recorded with John the producer/Sound guy for the hardcore band Reflux (Touring with Darkest Hour next month in europe). The demo took us 7 days, with only 4 actually scheduled days, very gruesom, and almost no sleep. Lots of foul odors.
We sound like a mixture of Opeth, Darkest Hour, Children of Bodom, and many other bands. But i hope you guys give us a listen and give us some constructive criticism, id love to hear what you guys think. Keep in mind we're only 15, haha. Just for reference, On The Locust Points, Marcell Horvath does the First solo, and I, Ricky Gonzalez, do the second. Thanks for listneing and please tell us what you think.
So here it is, knorwood's new EP Regards

Neonblackdreamer said:
Check out my band!
Intelligent modern heavy metal!

i assume you won't be reading this, but you should really work on having some decent translation, at least on the first page of your site. "this demo literarily knocked me down" is especially embarrassing. not that i would condone anybody saying "this demo literally knocked me down", either, unless you sent the guy a remote-controlled cd that made him trip and fall. but that's a different subject.

i'm willing to correct all that stuff for free if you're interested.
rahvin said:
i assume you won't be reading this, but you should really work on having some decent translation, at least on the first page of your site. "this demo literarily knocked me down" is especially embarrassing. not that i would condone anybody saying "this demo literally knocked me down", either, unless you sent the guy a remote-controlled cd that made him trip and fall. but that's a different subject.

i'm willing to correct all that stuff for free if you're interested.

Hi Rahvin, and thanks for your answer...
That sentence came out of the translation of an Italian review... Normally we try to be as loyal as possible to the original, and since none of us is an english native speaker, some stupid phrases tend to get through. :ill: (I must admit it would be cool though with the remote control thing... I'll talk with the guys and we'll se if we can get something like that for our next album! :tickled: )

Thank you a lot for your correction offer, maybe you could shoot me an email?

Neonblackdreamer said:
That sentence came out of the translation of an Italian review...

that's what i thought, too, and not because i'm a psychic but since i'm a native italian speaker. ;)

Thank you a lot for your correction offer, maybe you could shoot me an email?

i most definitely will as soon as i'm done with stressful university tests, i.e. during the week-end.
Ok, now you can check out some rehearsal recording of my current band, codenamed "Rockpest". Since we were in a hurry today, the quality is not exactly brilliant, namely the toms are too loud and everything in itself is too quiet - so you will need to crank up the volume a bit. Also, there's no bass player on it, that's why it sounds a little strange and gap-ish in the beginning.
As for vocals, imagine high-pitched screaming above it all.
Thanks in advance for your input!

-> :erk:
rahvin said:
i gape, almost in total abhorrence.

Heh. Now on this merge I totally agree. However, I was very surprised when you merged my previously separate LAETHORA thread into this one, but, eh, no big deal.

That said, at the time I thought of the possiblity that you didn't know of the side project. But then I thought: 'Nah, that can't be true.' :p