Blood Meridian

wildfyr said:
Heh. Now on this merge I totally agree. However, I was very surprised when you merged my previously separate LAETHORA thread into this one, but, eh, no big deal.

that's what happens when i don't really check the link once i see a thread's about a band. it was an "oops" moment, i apologize. in my defense, you didn't add any revealing personal comment, so the fact that it was about niklas' side project went completely over my head.
rahvin: :erk: You don't need to apologize. You're right. I didn't add any descriptive content for the link and I'm just as guilty of not clicking some links as well, so I know what you mean. Thanks for your reply!
Hey check out this band from Montreal a girl is singing and its just great.They release a demo on june of this year and i think its a good one hope they record some other song soon.Go on the website for mp3 and tell me if you love it! :rock:
@wildfyr: i think rahvin was only trying to keep laethora a secret for as long as possible, in a vain effort to remain the secret keeper of the music keys and regail in the knowledge he's the only one. :erk:
'Eeeeegad' (as mousewings used write)

I'm not exactly sure what you're implying about rahvin, but I suppose in this Laethora case I might be guilty of info snobbery myself since it seems very few took notice of the side project connection right away.

Therefore, I believe you have done me a favor - in a roundabout way - by pointing out the danger of becoming too close. You know, the dreaded fanboy/fangirl syndrome. It can become apparent. :erk:

Warning! Warning!
Danger Wilma Robinson
*flails imaginary robotic arms*


Seriously though, thank you for the reality check, Siren.
wildfyr said:
I'm not exactly sure what you're implying about rahvin

she's implying that i stink, that's what she's implying! damn that siren, i'll show her one of these days. *shakes fist a few inches from the screen*

no, seriously. i wasn't trying to keep the secret. i just can't read sometimes, no other justification.
wildfyr said:
Seriously though, thank you for the reality check, Siren.
Oh, what have i done.. :/

Seriously, dear, i just like picking on him. ;)

edit: and i was trying to immitate the Fouldearth talk, but i come no close to the masters. :notworthy
Dunno if anyone has "spread the word" about them, but i suggest Silik. I wouldn't know what kind of metal to classify them under (some might even argue that they're just plain old rock, but they sound metal to me). is their site. They've only released one demo, though, but it's a good one. You can listen to three of the four songs in it in the "music" section (the link to "The fallen" is broken), but "Polaroid" is my favorite.
2 songs of the new Detonation album "Portals to Uphobia" are available on their myspace domain:

Artwork again by Niklas S.

Everybody please just has_to go to Misery Inc. - homepage and download "Fallen Rage". Two killer vocalists. Great music. I love it. You just have to hear it, the faster the better. Nopeasti :D


*O* *M* *G*


I`m glad to have an alternative, in the first place. But if not with this vocalist, I have always long lists of suggestions at hand. There are plenty new good bands.
And why, of course I wish everybody would like the band, (or the song) but that will never happen, there is always a different taste, and maybe that´s good. Maybe you like music that doesn´t resonate with me, either.
People just have to understand that it doesn´t affect their own opinion or taste when someone else has a different one. Maybe in this special case, you can say as much as you want, because of the three bands, I know some singers and musicians personally, I know how hard they work and how long their story is, and how nice folks they are, so I`m gonna always like and respect them anyway, plus I am totally convinced they are excellent musicians. Last night I heard that song for the first time and listened 20 times in a row, and still was awestruck, so I had to share :loco:

NP: Elane (Dark Folk)
I got their promo cd yesterday... awesome!!
Necroart go to the discography page and you'll find some good songs to download.
In their own words: "perfect crossing between the sound of Dark Tranquillity, Opeth & My Dying Bride" ;)