Blood Meridian

I have two songs on my computer called "To Meredith" and "The fallen". They're supposed to be by an artist called Mithril. I've searched for the lyrics to them on the internet, and they don't exist. I don't remember where i downloaded those songs from. The band doesn't seem to exist, or at least not with those songs. Both songs are live, and the band is italian (i can tell by what they say at the end of the songs, such as "grazie"). Does anybody happen to know whether all of that really does exist or Mithril is the single most underground band ever? Thanks.
They sound good. Vocals (with intelligent lyrics) would work on them, though. "The evergrowing sacgfkhkwhatever" and "Parasite sin the garjdfghrwhateverelse" could use Dani Filth style vocals, and "Parasite", "Clawing at the roof" and "When a gift is anoth(her???)" could use Killswitch Engage style vocals. I don't think growling would quite work. Anywho... Good stuff. Definitely has potential.
aye, the full track names are
The Ever Growing Sacrifice
Parasites in the garden of Eden
Clawing at the roof of the casket
When a gift is anothers curse.

and cheers for taking a look. I agree, certain vocals would work on some but not so good on others. That's why I can't bring myself to do it, as I just do a bad Stanne impression and ruin everything haha. Someday though I might get one of my voxy mates in to do it. Thanks again :)
I like the track names (except for "Parasites", both because i'm not really a fan of that kind of title and because i'm kind of sick of having 584678907036 different songs by 584678907036 different artists with the word 'Eden' on it).
Or maybe you really think it's good. It's really just my own strange situation (of being sick of that word) and my own tastes (of not liking the 'parasites' thing) why i dislike that title. Don't listen to me. ;)

If you ever work further on them or if you record new ones, please do tell, ok?
My e-mail (i.e. the one i only use for e-mail) is

My MSN (i.e. the one to which e-mails won't arrive (because it's a fucked-up server) and, thus, the one which i only use for MSN) is

Thanks in advance. =)
So, those who like melodic death metal should check out Skyfire!!

You can listen to a few songs on there.. If you like it, then please add them to your friends list!! And feel free to add a song to your profile or whatever!!
