Originally posted by rahvin
please take the time to have a look around before posting new threads advertising anything on this board.
Originally posted by Onde Erik
I just posted a "Check out this band" message in the NP thread (you may kill me now) so I'd better follow suite here as well.
The place to go is:
Originally posted by Final_Vision
At the request of a certain greek lady, thought it might be interesting to make a thread where people could suggest little known bands, or perhaps "If you like (band a) than youd like (band b)" type thing.
Also people who have their own band could post here and advertise instead of filling the board with "CHECK OUT MY BAND" threads.
For my post, I suggest, and highly reccomend Mistweaver, their really somber melodic death, with some great clean vox. Their older stuff is better IMO but all they have is 3 demos, and their unsigned.
www.mp3.com/mistweaver can find all your Mistweaver needs there.
Recomeneded: Torwards an End, Visions & Dreams, Thousand Mistakes
Originally posted by Plunder and Pillage
I was saying SOME of their music lacks, just as some of dark tranquilitys songs do.
Emm, thanks! They will play at Open Hell fest (replacing Vesperian Sorrow), Czech Republic Saturday the 27th of July!Originally posted by AngelWitch73
I second the recommendation for DETONATION !
Even an attempt at covering this song derserves respect, so... respect!Originally posted by Hearse
We did this while we recorded our own songs week ago (in our rehearsal pad).
We started recordings on friday but our drummer was ill the whole weekend so we mostly recorded all songs with one shot (live). And this was the last song we recorded on sunday, so there are mistakes and I'm abit embarrassed about them since I wanted to do "perfect" cover, but no can do... this time.
Still here it is if you wanna listen it, atleast sounds are good
Click this with right button and then choose "save as"
Tell us what you think of this... but dont nail us on wall, please
ps. and if you don't know whos song Advent is... bah..
its Opeth's song from Morningrise album.![]()