Blood Meridian

Most probably recommended already, but WINDS is amazing. Get their debut EP Of Entity and Mind, plus their full album Reflections of the I

Another band that is absolutely breathtaking is DARK LUNACY. Get their first full-album Devoid.
Fields Of The Nephilim and the million other projects the members have worked on since then, have me in awe right now, how come I have never heard of them before?
Anyway, there might be something happening, since there is a counter on which keeps going down at random times and no one seems to know why it's even counting down, but from what I have read, this is nothing new from the band.
Originally posted by xpet
well I have heard about them 10 years ago... but never checked the website... didn´t hear the tapes for years... thanks for the reminder! ;)

Yep, they are old, but they are damn good. I got Dawnrazor and I was sure it was a new record, but I checked the backside and it was from 1987, their first record was like 1985, but they have been quiet (and doing side-projects, The Nefilim sounds damn good) for years now, seems like something might happen soon tho.

And just so this isn't just me blabhering, check out one of their latest side-projects, Last Rites from Dreamcatcher records, they have one CD out called Guided By Light, it's from last year.
back to the thread... this cool blackmetal band called "Orkus" from around where i live have now managed to put up their website in english as well, so please have a look at http:\\
maybe the content might not be as up to date as the german version, but it'll do.
and if you post in the forum or guestbook always add "Stuff sent me" ;)
Any fans of In Flames, At The Gates. or Gates of Ishtar? Check out The website was put together by Fredrik Kreem (The In Flames webmaster), and the album art for the upcoming MCD will be handled by Niklas Sundin himself.
Great emotional melodic death from California. Sign the guestbook!!!
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
Detonation... I really would like to hear these guys live, or get a better version of their songs (I did a lo-fi listen). A lot of good elements, but the drums and vocals always sounded way too dominant for my liking. I think given a good production they'd be damn good.
There is a live song on the page (at the bottom), but that's not the most representative song for their current style. Try downloading the Promo 2001 songs, then you'll have 128 kbps versions, or go to for 192 kbps versions of the songs!

Anyway, they are recording their debut album as we speak, artwork provided by the very moderator of this forum (not rahvin...)! It should have a good production, the album will be released in October.
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
I'm downloading as we speak, half finished :)

btw, Tinus - whats your relationship with the band? Friend?
Friend yes, but drummer Thomas is my younger brother, so there's even bloodties here... :)

Hope you like the songs in good soundquality. You were right about the mix though, the drums are kinda loud and the so are the vocals, or better put, the guitars should be louder!

It's actually just a demo, recorded and mixed in 3 days. On their first release ("Lost Euphoria" MCD) the drums kinda drowned in the mix, so you can view the loud drums on Promo 2001 as some sort of compensation for that. ;)

But now they are recording digitally, so hopefully this time it will all be "just right"!
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
Good shit :rock:

I think I'll be buying that album when it comes out...
Thanks! Today was the first day for recording the guitars and we just had a phonecall that the rhythm guitar for 3 songs had been recorded and that it sounded excellent, so that should give good hopes for the final result!

I'll post here when the album's available.