Bloodbath Lyrics


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
Dan, which (if any) lyrics/songs did you write for Bloodbath, or were they all written together with Blakkheim and the bassist (who's name slips my mind)? I was just interested, and too lazy to see if I could pick them out by the writing style.

sorry if this has been asked before.
I wrote 'so you die' 'the soulcollector' 'like fire' and 'cry my name' For the minialbum I wrote about half the riffs and the other guys (including Mike!!) wrote a bunch of killer riffz each.
Heh, Soulcollecter, Cry My Name and Like Fire are my 3 favourites. What a coincidence... I didn't know Mike wrote anything, I could swear he's said before that he just came down to growl for you.

P.S. those riffs are fucking killer