BLOODBATH: New Album Title, Release Date Revealed

Mock The Fucking Cross is definitely influenced by Morbid Angel's Where The Slime Live? Awesome brutal riffs, catchy lyrics very old school. :D
It seems strange recently 2 DM bands I like with their newest releases made a "Where the Slime Live" type song. Aeon - You Pray to Nothing is also similar.

It's a good song to be influenced by, definitely!
When I saw Katatonia last September Scar Symmetry played right before them for what seemed in all honesty like eight hours it was the most dreadful thing in the world. I just wanted to see my beloved Katatonia and this shit band plays their shit songs for years. Then Katatonia came on and I forgot they existed until right now.
I had a Scar Symmetry phase but I am not really into them these days. Pitch Black Progress was a good album. Although Stefan likes to insist they are boring I thought a lot of the guitar work in Pitch Black Progress was actually quite interesting and the vocals were fucking killer. I don't care for the new album or the first one though (except again for the vocals)
I became interested in Scar Symmetry due to Christian's involvement with Unmoored and Solar Dawn, so who knows what he will do next. Scar Symmetry went on first when they were on that tour with Dark Tranquillity in the US, so I can't understand the theory of them playing before a headliner later in the year. People here do not know how to book tours and lineups these days.
01. At the Behest of Their Death (Nyström)
02. Process of Disillumination (Renkse)
03. Slaughtering the Will to Live (Renkse)
04. Mock the Cross (Eriksson)
05. Treasonous (Nyström)
06. Iesous (Renkse)
07. Drink from the Cup of Heresy (Eriksson)
08. Devouring the Feeble (Renkse)
09. Earthrot (Eriksson)
10. Hades Rising (Nyström)
11. Wretched Human Mirror (Renkse)

Somehow funny that Jonas has been the productive one this time around, whilst in the past songwriting duties were always equally shared (4 songs each), now it's 3x Anders, 5x Jonas and 3x Sodomizer.