Bloodbath perhaps?

Soilent Goat

May 26, 2002
I've heard alot regarding this band..can anyone fill me in? Are they severely overrated or are they as killer as I've been hearing? Does the album belong in my collection or what?
Bloodbath are old school death metal, well a tribute to. Full length album 'Ressurection Through Carnage' is awesome IMO.

Check out the songs 'Death Delerium, The Soulcollector, andWays To The Grave', you'll see what I mean.

The EP is good also, an intro really to what the group sounds like.

Its become a big fuss because the kids that weren´t around when dm sounded good are listening too Bloodbath and going geezus what a killer, ripping sound they have! To them this is new I guess. plus that the album is really good. Heavy, moderately fast, simple and punishing.
just the wat you like it baby
It's ok. Nothing new, innovative, or original. If you like old school death, get it. If not, don't bother. Not essential
I think that both releases kick ass. I do favor the full length over the EP though. Although it technically isn't "anything new" it perfectly captures the essence of that ball crushing Stockholm sound ala Left Hand Path era Entombed and the Like An Ever Flowing Stream album by Dismember. I agree that some of the nubiees into the scene that might've been a tad bit on the young side in the early 90's when this sound was created might find it a startling revelation but in a way it is new because Bloodbath has put a more aggressive and harder edge on it. I think so anyway.
Either way both albums definitely belong in any and all extreme metal fanatics collection.
They certainly aren't breaking any new ground or anything, but they're not trying to either. Bloodbath is paying homage to old school death metal and they just do it for fun. With that in mind, the album is great, and if you like old Dismember or Entombed they are definitely worth checking out. The ONLY brutal death metal album that has done anything for me in a seriously long time!
Originally posted by Dreamlord
Nile perhaps? :)

Actually no, I have tried to get into them numerous times and they just don't do it for me...I don't hate them or anything, and actually thought they were great live at Metalfest a few years back, but they just don't do it for me on disc :confused:
Originally posted by Soilent Goat
I've heard alot regarding this band..can anyone fill me in? Are they severely overrated or are they as killer as I've been hearing? Does the album belong in my collection or what?

so... have u checked them since?