

Son of Oden
Sep 17, 2006
Alingsas, Sweden
I hope that all Hypocrisy-fans out there have listened to Bloodbath's Nightmares made Flesh! Tägtgren has NEVER souned that brutal!

Listen to it! You won't regret it!

yeah outnumbering the day is one of my favourite with the ascension...but they are all great songs!!!! i couldn't stop listening to that cd for about a month since i've bought it....
i love peter's growl in that record and the early growl of hypocrisy ( like in the forth dimension)
unfortunatly dan is out of the band :(
the peter's growl more brutal that I 've listen :kickass:
better that hypocrisy sure :heh: love the lyrics and arrangiaments are amazing !!!
I hope in a reunion soon with BloodBath:headbang:
Shamateur said:
I'd like to mention that "The Final Chapter's" vocals are the lowest and deepest in whole musician hystory of Peter.

Ohh !!! Yes, "the final chapter" is also my favorite Hypocrisy album ... but in the last BB album peter is shocking !!!!!!!

tone voice + tone music = EXCELLENT!!!!!!! :kickass:
no one could replace peter on vocals and hes cot such a range of style no other deathmetal vocalist i have heard is as good as him