
Fuck you guys, Bloodbath are fun times. But we should, and could, talk about them in the DM thread, this is a bit unneeded (they also have a forum on here, staffino)
Bloodbath (at least through NMF, all I've heard) are pretty sweet, but not particularly amazing and not the least bit original.
And this should be in the Death metal thread.
Bloodbath rules. Easily my favorite among bands that get called "Old School," not that a band from the 00s really qualifies as old school death metal. At least not one with such slick production.
they're obviously pretty retro in mindset (hence the whole "wah, unoriginal!" business), but yeah, the production (the first EP and RtC excepted to some extent) is a little odd
I'd rather listen to the bands they're ripping off and/or honoring...however you look at it.
Bloodbath sucks. All of it.

o rly

Breeding Death at the very least is a product of authenticity that successfully achieves its goal of recalling the spirit of the early 90s Swedish Death Metal scene, albeit derivatively, but iirc you have no problem with generic Swedish Death Metal.
o rly

Breeding Death at the very least is a product of authenticity that successfully achieves its goal of recalling the spirit of the early 90s Swedish Death Metal scene, albeit derivatively, but iirc you have no problem with generic Swedish Death Metal.

Yeah, I suppose that was a slight exaggeration on my behalf. While it's not exactly bad, it's not good either. A decent and respectful attempt at reviving the spirit of days long gone, but in the end that's all it really is. Spirit is exactly what it lacks as far as I'm concerned.