Do you say "heavy metal" or just "metal"?

I don't talk about metal to non-metal people. I'll just say metal and change the subject. If I say death, doom, black, etc, they'll get creeped out. I'd rather be forced to respond condescendingly to their mentioning of Disturbed than have everyone avoid me. Sometimes, though, if I want to get rid of someone, and they're all like "what's your favorite band broski McBroenstein" I'll be like "oh, I've really been getting into Brutally Fucked Corpses by Rape The Children lately, but Satan Satan Satan by Fuck Your God is pretty awesome too. Can't forget about Blood Guts Fuck Off, either." Otherwise I just say I listen to hard rock. If you can't tell what I listen to from my Amon Amarth shirt, you don't need to know.

I find most of your posts extremely annoying but I laughed so hard at that.

Thanks. :lol:
"I like everything except country, rap and that hard metal stuff with all the screaming, sorry but it's just noise"
Yeah, I often have urges to strangle the fuck-tards that utter that statement.
I'm not sure if I'd rather strangle people who rule metal out as "just noise" or super elitists who seriously judge your character based on what bands you like.
I believe I would just rather strangle the ones who dismiss my favorite genre of music as "noise" (no offense to V5 :lol:). At least with elitists you can sometimes catch a good band you may have not known. Just ignore them otherwise.
I'd say that attempting to not sound condescending when saying "you've definitely never heard of them" whenever a teacher or peer asks me about what band I'm seeing this weekend or what band I'm advertising in t-shirt form is one of the biggest quandaries I deal with on a regular basis.

I usually just say "metal".
Yes I encounter this a lot. Usually when I use a vacation day for work for a recoup from the show or just needing to be off to get there on time..."Oh, that's fine...So who are you seeing?" "...I don't think you know them"
I'd say that attempting to not sound condescending when saying "you've definitely never heard of them" whenever a teacher or peer asks me about what band I'm seeing this weekend or what band I'm advertising in t-shirt form is one of the biggest quandaries I deal with on a regular basis.

I usually just say "metal".


It's more annoying when you say you listen to extreme metal and people reply with "Oh you mean all that screamo stuff?". I don't really like talking about music to anyone apart from musicians, fellow metalheads or even old dudes who appreciate Sabbath and Maiden even if they don't really like the much heavier stuff we have today.
I honestly never use the term "heavy metal."

If people ask me what I listen to I'll usually reply with "black metal, death metal..." etc. so to avoid them asking me if I listen to whatever terrible band that first comes to their mind.
My Grandfather used to call it "Cold Steel"

"You still listenin to that "Cold Steel" music?"

Sigh.... "yeah" :rolleyes:

"Sounds like bloody noise if you ask me"

"Ok good"
Again, I have a somewhat opposite problem.

When I say I listen to metal, people instantly assume it's what YOU all listen to. :p Growly-shrieky stuff. That or screamy metalcore (ugh). I know it's not "just noise", obviously, but it's not my thing. Nobody these days thinks about metal bands having clean singers, despite that most of the really famous ones do.

Weirds me out when people's band list is a bunch of death/black metal bands and then Iron Maiden. Wouldn't Bruce's vocals feel a bit jarring if everything else you listen to isn't clean?
Again, I have a somewhat opposite problem.

When I say I listen to metal, people instantly assume it's what YOU all listen to. :p Growly-shrieky stuff. That or screamy metalcore (ugh). I know it's not "just noise", obviously, but it's not my thing. Nobody these days thinks about metal bands having clean singers, despite that most of the really famous ones do.

Weirds me out when people's band list is a bunch of death/black metal bands and then Iron Maiden. Wouldn't Bruce's vocals feel a bit jarring if everything else you listen to isn't clean?

You should probably say "heavy metal" then.
Girls: "so what kind of music do you like?"
me: "mostly black metal"
girls: "ooook....well we have to be somewhere...."
me: "wait!...I also like Usher!"
girls: *leave the room*
Girls: "so what kind of music do you like?"
me: "mostly black metal"
girls: "ooook....well we have to be somewhere...."
me: "wait!...I also like Usher!"
girls: *leave the room*


You should have shouted "RACIST!"
Weirds me out when people's band list is a bunch of death/black metal bands and then Iron Maiden. Wouldn't Bruce's vocals feel a bit jarring if everything else you listen to isn't clean?

For some reason clean vocals are dying out except as something to be used during choruses for contrast/extra sensitivity points. I think it's unfortunate.