Do you say "heavy metal" or just "metal"?

Heavy metal (actually, hebi metaru) in Japanese

how about some simplification

metal - 2 syllables
cold steel - 2 syllables (STN's grandfather a smart man)
heavy metal - 4 syllables

stands to reason most people would simply say "metal"
all the years I've been in bands the absolute hardest thing to find and keep was a decent vocalist, let alone one that really had dynamics and timbre that really stood out. Thus why beginning with the thrash bands we began to see guitar players standing up to the mic to simply blurt out some lyrics the best they could, disguising the fact that they had no real singing voice by not trying to use much tonality or range. It also seemed to appeal to the harder edge of thrash, this evolved into growling and wide acceptance of monotone vocals with its appeal of wickedness.

Bottom line there simply are not that many great vocal chords out there that can be applied to metal with good effect. Those that had a good mix of power, range, twisted character and harshness typically blew out their chords within a few tours during their youth... its all downhill from there.
Yeah? So what are the non-power/prog/melo-thrash bands using predominately clean vocals?

Lol he said clean vocals were dying out, that's not the same thing as saying clean vocals are still not in genres that they don't belong in in the first place.
^ This; in other words, every genre that's supposed to use predominately clean vocals anyway. There's really no argument here :)
Yeah, to me "heavy metal" is a specific sub-genre while saying only "metal" incudes all kind of metal music. And since I do not only like "heavy metal" I usually say only "metal" and included in that is everything from Morbid Angel and Anaal Nathrakh to Megadeth and Therion.

I agree with this.

Heavy Metal to me is Ozzy and such. While using the term Metal refers to every subgenre. However i often use the term Extreme Metal. Which incorporates Death, Black, Doom, Folk and their Melodic counterparts. Thrash, Speed, and Power, to me, dont fall under the "Extreme" catagory. I believe this mostly has to do with the lack of growling within the vocals.
Well minus all those genres that basically require clean vocals.

Go look at the websites of major metal labels, or the line-ups of general metal festivals, or at the most popular metal bands - an overwhelming majority of the bands you see will be using predominantly harsh vocals. Yes, there are tons of bands that use all clean vocals and you can find festivals that are all clean vocals (Keep It True, I think), and labels that only release stuff with clean vocals, but the bulk of the metal being created, sold, and heard these days has harsh vocals.
I use metal. It is pretty irritating how confused people get by this, however. Whenever I say metal, they say "Oh, like Metallica?", I reply with "Well, they only the first 4 albums", they retort "What's wrong with their 5th album, Death Magnetic?" /facepalm
Other responses I get from ignoramuses for which they should be slain:
"Metal? You mean like Avenged Sevenfold? Oh, you say death metal? You mean Slipknot?"
"Metal? Yeah, I like KoRn, Tool, and Godsmack too."
The worst is when someone appears to be interested in the music I like and I play them a song and they reply with:
a) "I don't like it, I can't understand the words"
b) "They sound kinda like Disturbed"