

At War With Stan
Has anyone (other than Shaye, but I welcome her opinion as well) the new cd by Bloodbound with Urban Breed being the new singer? I am curious as to what it sounds like and if it is as good as the last 2 Tad Morose cds. thanks. Is there a North America release date yet? I remembered seeing back in January release dates for Japan and Europe but not for the USA.
It's catchy, but to me it was decent at best. It did not do much to me, I think it's a little generic. But Urban is a great singer and I'm looking forward to his solo stuff that I heard is being worked on right now.

Bloodbound needs Comeau. Tad Morose needs Urban. lol
I have it, have heard it, and LOVE it. However, it is not Tad Morose. It's different. I don't know how to really appropriately describe what is different about it. I mean, it is as different as Avian and Pyramaze or Conception and Kamelot or Brainstorm and Symphorce.
from what I have read it is more melodic than Tad Morose. a more traditional power metal band as opposed to TM that had some thrash elements in it.
I got it without realizing who the vocalist was.
I really liked it. It definitely doesn't sound much like Tad, except for generalizing both of them as metal, but I have to admit I like it a tad better than Tad. It seems to be a bit more on the powerful side, but I tend to like that kind of style.
I've had it for awhile now, and I still don't think it's all that great. I LOVE Tad Morose, and this is definitely NOT in that vein. It's alot more 'happy' metal, which I tend to despise in general. Urban sounds good on it, but I think his solo stuff should easily blow this away.
I have Urban checking for me on the US release date (if there is one). I'll let y'all know.

Definitely wouldn't say it sounds like TM, but I do love Urban's vocals on it. He gets to be a little more versatile, I think, than he did with Tad Morose.

FWIW, there sure seem to be a lot of people who love it... it's selling like hotcakes at the moment. :)
thank you Shaye for having Urban check on the US release date. Hopefully there will be one. What is up with the Black metal makeup look??? Actually it is pretty cool looking.
It's very melodic, albeit fairly generic, Power Metal, that seems influenced by Maiden. For me, Power Metal is about the vocalist first, the music second. Since I'm a fan of urban's vocals, I like the CD.

I think the CD is great. Urban's vocals were the reason I bought it, but the songs are catchy and I cant stop playing it.
This album is fucking great. Urban gives a flawless performance, and the music is perfectly heavy. How I long to actually own this album. We don't have much luck here in MD with releases to certain metal label releases *even if we do work at the record store :(* so if not anytime before, it WILL BE MINE AT PROGPOWER (I hope)! Cheers!!
I really wanna hear this. :)

Shaye, is the Urban solo song that y'all played for me on your car stereo* going to be part of his solo release? I thought it was really good!

* which is also my car, since we have the same year, color, make and model of Ford ZX2. Great minds.... :D
I would agree it is a little definately hear the Maiden influences. Can't hold a candle to the last TM release. Urban does a great job, don't get me wrong, the songs just don't move me. Is Urban actually working on a solo disc?
There's currently no US distribution/release in the works, but Urban talked to Tomas about it yesterday, so the wheels are turning. :) If anyone has any ideas on who could/would do a US distro, please feel free to message Urban with them.

Urban is indeed working on a solo album... I asked him last night, and he's hoping to have it finished by fall. Sorry it won't be sooner, but he has a previous engagement in May that will get in the way. ;)

Paul, that song had better be on there... I love it! :) I also have demos of 3 new ones, but they're extremely rough, and he won't let me share just yet. :( Y'all can rest assured that if I nag him about anything (other than wedding stuff), it's about getting this done. I'm very eager for it!

Btw, thanks for the comments on the Bloodbound... I know Urban loves to hear what people think. :)