Bloodstock is tonight!


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
For fucking once, us UK forum goers get our moment of good music :loco:

We have Sinergy and Gamma Ray tonight, and Primal Fear, Sonata Arctica and Children of Bodom tomorrow night.

Anyway, just saying that we'll kick ass for all of you who can't make it.
Starspawn said:
i will be bootlegging bodom and sinergy at bloodstock 04, yeh cant wait!!

cya all there

Cant you get Gamma Ray and Sonata Arctica, for me?:p
Bloodstock Fucking Rocked :D i got a few pics.... there'll be some on the bloodstock site eventually too.
ye bodom was class, i was right on the front, i got hit by alexi's plectrum, it bounced off me and landed on the floor, then everyone went crazy for it

i also got my hate crew deathroll tee signned that i got last time i saw them, took a camera with me, crappy normal camera not digital, soon as i got the photos i'll scan them

just before sinergy was on one of them sound check guys was on and the crowd was going ROADY! ROADY! ROADY! was hilarious

then when when sinergy was on someone threw a viking helmet on the stage and alexi put it on while he was playing, i actually sold my 2 spare tickets to these vikings, one of them dressed up as death for when bodom was on
That gig fucking rocked, I was 2nd from front for bodom and janne did this raised eyebrows thing at me! (or at least i like to think it was me :p ) and I'd like a copy of the show if anyone recorded it!
i was 2nd from front, i had short people infront of me tho, my m8 was 2nd from the front too, near the end she got pushed right onto the front tho

oh and forgot, when sinergy was on, standing behind me was an alexi clone, guy looked just like him only younger, if he went to the signning session alexi would have been in shock, didn't see him from the front of the queue though
FuCk mE, could bloodstock have been any more amazing! On the first night there I met up with a few peeps from UM and we went to the pub for a while had a laugh then went to see sinergy.
The Show was Fucking Awesome, Sadly They were cut short because the previous band had over played. Fucking Assholes! :hotjump: and they were going to play Lead us to War aswell :cry:
Anyway we Qued up quite early and got to meet all of Sinergy :worship: I got autographs and hugs from all the members and Alexi commented on my Smoke Crack and Worship Satan T-Shirt. Bóng!!! :p
The Next Day me and Gav "needledWarheart"bumped into Janni from Sonata walking around the arena and got photos with him!!! :OMG: Hes a Legend, we also got some beer for bodom and met a roadie called fleish and got his phone number. Sadly he fucked us over after the show and even though he promised he never met up with us :cry: but anyway it was a fucking amazing time. The best 2 days of my life!
Bodom played a fucking amazing show I was right at the front moving position from infront of Roope to Alexi and for some time Janne. It was an awsome show.
Some beer? i remember us getting 52 beers :D And our UM crew kicked fucking ass ! The band before them sucked... they should of fucked off and let sinergy play all fucking day. Starspawn never recorded the show... he was too busy sitting down on the balcony :p Our nice UM crew got to the middle at the front and bloodstock fucking owned.
The Roady bit was funny but it was funnier when the crows were Cheering for the Ducktape :tickled: . How annoying is it when they're testing the drum kit...
Kreatoruk said:
Some beer? i remember us getting 52 beers :D And our UM crew kicked fucking ass !


It was so fucking awesome, just us all fucking hanging about before with Dave's Mini-Keybaord!!!!!!
Yes, Bloodstock was a bloody awesome night and Bodom rocked the place. Sinergy were also one of the weekends highlights and put on a superb show!!

Credit to Roope and Alexi for playing so well on both nights!!

Highlight for me was the Bloodstock warmup gig in Nottingham where I met Sinergy and had photo with Kimberly Goss!! :headbang:

Cheers rule!!