

PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Who's making the pilgrimage to BOA this year?

I believe Rich is heading down on the Friday and Sunday nights. We are actually rehearsing that weekend, so you may see some of the guys milling around on the Saturday evening as well.

Not sure I will bother this year as I can't find too much on the bill to warrant my attention to be fair.
I've never been to Bloodstock but I would really love to go at least once.

Funny how last year I thought the line-up was great and I was desperate to go but simply could not afford it. This year I could afford it but I simply just don't want to with the line-up being what it is.

Personally I don't think the line-up is THAT bad, it's certainly nowhere near as bad as some people are making out, but I can certainly understand why a lot of people aren't too chuffed with it, especially those with a particular preference to the Melodic/Power side of Rock and Metal.

Most of the Best Bands (in my opinion) that are playing this year I have already seen Live at least once, some more than once, such as Testament, Anvil, Sepultura etc.

Either way, hope anyone on here that goes has a great time!
Had a great weekend. Wasn't my personal best bill, but the social was better than ever! Chatted with Andy, Rich and Sprocket as well as every other person in the entire world. Unfortunately missed Gav and Colin as I didn't know they were coming!
So for Power Quest to be at next years Bloodstock. How does it work, do you need to be invited to go by whoever the organiser is, or can you pay money and go anyway? Same with things like Download, Wacken etc?
You have to be invited to be on the bill.

Some festivals actually make you pay to be on the bill......certainly possible to buy your way onto the bigger events like Download if you have plenty of cash lying around lol!