1. A larger install base
2. A gaming system that actually offers HD games. Keep in mind, while you can buy an HD-DVD drive for an XBOX (which than makes it a more expensive system than a PS3), XBOX games aren't recorded on HD-DVD discs, so you can't play XBOX games in true HD.
3. A superior format. HD-DVDs hold 30GBs, Blu-Ray, 50GB.
4. Warner Bros. will most likely announce Blu-Ray exclusivity by the end of Q4.
5. As I said in an earlier post, PS3 is at the point in its life cycle where we can expect to see a bunch of PS3-only, killer games. This, in combination with the falling price of the PS3, will likely fuel sales of PS3s. Which will fuel sales of Blu-Rays. Which will fuel sales of PS3s. Etc.
Look, I'm not a long time Sony fan. I owned an XBOX360. However, it's becoming apparent, that unless something big happens, HD-DVD is going to lose this war.
By the way, is it your belief that HD-DVD is going to be the victor?
1. Larger install base because of the PS3 which hinders Blu-Ray more than it helps it. Blu-ray stand alone players don't sell for shit. A format cannot survive based on a 4-500 game system. Sorry.
2. Refer to #1
3. 51 GB HD-DVD discs go into production in February. No Blu-ray titles max out the 50 GB anyway and the video codecs and transfers are always the exact same. So no advantage there.
4. Ha. Just the opposite will happen. Warner brothers has profit sharing with Toshiba and just announced to be a part of their interactivity consortum. Don't forget that Warners Brothers contract with Bluray expired on Oct. 31st and still hasn't been renewed.
5. A game system will NOT make a format survive. Period.