Blut Aus Nord

April Etheral

Scottish Metalhead
I bought their two latest albums yesterday: "The Work Which Transforms God" and "Thematic Emanation Of Archetypal Multiplicity"

On first listen you're a bit like "What the hell is this?!"
But i listened to them again at about midnight and freaked me out, my heart rate actually started racing at some sections of "The Work Which Transforms God" album
Its all very dissonant and is full of noises and drones, not so much heavy as in distortion but heavy in feeling
Dotted in between the main "songs" are short but vast soundscapes of drones and industrial-esque noises that'll leave your hair on end

I would reccomend these albums to anyone who loves evil sounding black metal

Also if anyone has heard them before please don't hesitate to let us know what you think of them :headbang:
You're not one of those who are talking about their own band in third person on several forums, right? (jk)

No, I haven't heard of them. I'm always a bit 'reserved' when it comes to 'noises' en 'dissonant industrial' machinelike sounds. It's very inaccessible music to me. Do they have website with prelisten possibilities?
I know who you are talking about. They are French, and were initially a fairly standard black metal outfit. Take, for example, 1997's 'Fathers Of The Icy Ages'. Very good, but unoriginal black metal effort.
Having only heard this and The Work...., I can say that production wise, they are roughly the same. But in terms of innovation, The Work..... is impressive. I, myself, find it a difficult listen, it's very abrasive, and not as melodic as i usually would like. But I have major respect for it's ideas. :Spin:

Would LOVE to see it live!!! :headbang:
I love Blut Aus Nord. The sort of music they create transcends the idea of having 'songs' with standard structures that just come on, do their thing, then leave. What I hear in their music is movements, sparse sections of instrumentation that are geared towards evoking imagery and emotion in the listener.

As I keep saying to people, this is the sort of philosophy that I want to apply to my own music. If it's industrial, ambient and metal... score.

Fantastic band.
Midwinter_melancholY said:
You're not one of those who are talking about their own band in third person on several forums, right? (jk)

No, I haven't heard of them. I'm always a bit 'reserved' when it comes to 'noises' en 'dissonant industrial' machinelike sounds. It's very inaccessible music to me. Do they have website with prelisten possibilities?

You haven't heard of Blut Aus Nord before? It's about as accessible as most black metal. The industrial elements aren't as prominent on TWWTG as on the following stuff, which I don't think is as good.

You can give their website a shot, but I doubt you'll be able to make any sense out of it.
Blut Aus Nord is the evil pwnage.

awesome music. I love the older albums too, they just got re-released. Check them out.
cool ^^

I can see why some people don't like them...My father loves the soundscapes but when he heard the black metal blastbeat type parts he walked off in disgust :p
It does take a few listens to get into but now i just can't stop lsitening to them

I think a live performance by them isn't very forseeable in the near future, Vindsval always goes on about how they are not a band as such and all this rubbish. They're very secretive about who they are and what they stand for

but i agree with Moonlapse, its this style of music that really turns me on - stuff thats completely different, now i'm getting into serial music by composers like anton weber, its very dissonant and ugly music but it just does it for me ^^

An no i'm not a member of the band posting on multiple forums...i just think people should hear this band :D
other good french black metal:

deathspell omega (only si monumentum... is really worth bothering with)
mutiilation (first 2 albums)
vlad tepes/belketre (this split is the only stuff i've heard by belketre, and the only good album vlad tepes made)

pretty much in order of "need to hear"-ness
April Etheral said:
but i agree with Moonlapse, its this style of music that really turns me on - stuff thats completely different, now i'm getting into serial music by composers like anton weber, its very dissonant and ugly music but it just does it for me ^^

If you ever run into any artists with a similar approach to music, you'll tell me, won't you? :)

I've searched a lot but this kind of stuff is few and far between.