Bob Rob Interview - Funny Shit

Aside from the terrible production (which the bonus DVD definitely outshines), there is a pretty decent 50-60 minute record trapped within that 74-ish minutes of garbage can snare.

Too many up and down attempts at dynamics (which failed), but if you trim most of those songs down a couple minutes and then produced them...I think a lot more people would probably like the record.

Forget Mustaine on lead...Al Pitrelli would rule, since then you would have 2 guitar players with their guitars slung down to their knees!:grin:
What was the deal in Some Kind Of Monster when Smegafield is trying to show Hamsternuts a riff, and KH cannot play the riff at speed?!?!?!?!

So, Jaymz had to simplify the picking to conform to Kirks lameness? Come on, now...

Ergo... the Metallicack theory is quite simple.

Post Black Album = Garbage.
I really enjoy everything except for SA. I thought Load and Reload were great albums if you take them for what they are, hard rock and not thrash metal. And I thought Garage, Inc. was great too. The new covers sounded pretty good. SA, though...that's a tough pill to swallow.
EtherForBreakfast said:
What was the deal in Some Kind Of Monster when Smegafield is trying to show Hamsternuts a riff, and KH cannot play the riff at speed?!?!?!?!

So, Jaymz had to simplify the picking to conform to Kirks lameness? Come on, now...

Ergo... the Metallicack theory is quite simple.

Post Black Album = Garbage.

Watch that clip again.....he slows it down sos kirk can grasp the picking, he didnt change anything...If you listen to the song (which I am sure you have :Smug: )that riff is there just as James plays it in the movie..

I really didnt care for TBA or the "Loads"...but I really dig SA each his own man
cameltoe said:
Ya know, you all sound like my dad. The way he bitched about the music I was listening to (which happened to be Metallica by the way)....this is the same exact shit....Dad? Is that you? Sorry I havent called lately.... :blush:

ITS FUCKING METAL!!! It should sound raw and ugly and nasty and drunken and (insert adjective here)

Some of you obviously like your metal polished and pretty and nice and, umm, sober.........:hypno:
Your retarded, so any good metal has to sound like shit for it to be "true" metal? no thats the stupidest shit ive ever heard. Have u ever heard of necrophagist? prolly one of the most talented bands around, fuckin heavy shit, and they have probably the cleanest recordings ive ever heard. If the band is any good they can write "raw,ugly,and drunken" stuff into their music without sacrificing audio quality. And dont even try to argue the production on st. anger sucks ass. the end

cameltoe.. ahhm.... no.

if i recall correctly, the original way horkfield wanted that riff played was as a sextuplet/16th trip/alt picked type grind with the typical 0 3 5 6 St. Anger riff fomula.

Squirk Crammit was unable to play it properly, so they had to redo the riff as

(sing this in Beavis voice):

"Nah.. Nah nah nah...."
0 3 5 0

instead of (im adlibbing here)

na-na-na-na-na-na na-na-na na-na-na na
0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 5 5 5 0

You the get idea. Anywho, as Tony Soprano would say "Metallica is dead to me... dead".

I don't feel like spending anymore time discussing this band. Their story has grown tiresome.

edit: that's weak.. my 0 3 5 metallica tab did not properly line up with the beavis enunciation. =(
deathtotaliban said:
Your retarded, so any good metal has to sound like shit for it to be "true" metal?

Yep...the more shitty the sound the more METAL it is!!!!!METAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL.............. \m/(=,=)\m/

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Seriously, I like the disk. You dont. Its cool worries.

Now go back to listening to the most talented band the world has ever known.....Necrophiliapghsthuganstein

:grin: :grin: :grin:
My only regret in starting this thread is spelling his last name wrong and being reminded of it every time I get an email.
lmfao... good call. Is Bob Rock his real name anyways? Or is it just a nickname cuz he produces rock music?

I think we should dup Andy - Andy Metal.

SteelRat said:
Aside from the terrible production (which the bonus DVD definitely outshines), there is a pretty decent 50-60 minute record trapped within that 74-ish minutes of garbage can snare.

Too many up and down attempts at dynamics (which failed), but if you trim most of those songs down a couple minutes and then produced them...I think a lot more people would probably like the record.

That's exactly how I feel man.

I will like metallica in some way no matter what. They have done so much good things, that it outweighs even pretty bad mistakes. To me at least. Despite st anger, I think Hetfield is a brilliant songwriter. I've always had the idea that he's actually a lot more serious both as a person and a musician than he makes himself look on stage and in interviews. I have little to back this feeling up though. It's just that the whole simplistic toughguy "Fuck yeah friends motherfucka yeah ughhhhhh......yeah!" attitude came across as conflicting with the music to me. Then again, the SKOM emotional shrink stuff was even weirder.

Nevermind I'm just a fanboy I guess.